
unreliable? By what standard?

I moved to Kansas a couple years ago, first trip to the grocery store was like WTF.

Humanity is odd bunch. I mean, take junk mail. We pretty much all hate and it’s a colossal waste of resources. But it keeps going. I get a letter from a different insurance company once a week about switching (sidenote: State Farm is by far the the thirstiest). But we as a society don’t stop it. We don’t outlaw it, we

Slow down.

I do agree that internet access is becoming much more of a necessity now. (So much so, that perhaps the “information superhighway” should be an infrastructure item...)

He didn’t say don’t buy a smartphone. He said maybe you shouldn’t go out and get the new iPhone. I think it was intended more for young people than for poor people.

I have two friends and one coworker that do not have smartphones. It inconvenient, but they live otherwise normal lives and don’t stare at their phones constantly like the rest of us with smartphones.

Internet, in general, is needed, I’ll agree. But you really could cope without a smartphone.

While his phrasing was ham-handed, his premise is accurate. Financial responsibility is a lost art. I don’t have any pity for someone that pays $120+/month for a Verizon iPhone 7 with a 25gb data plan when they should be using a cheap droid with half the data on an “off brand” carrier. We all spend too much money on

Why should I help you pay for something you could afford yourself if you had any self control?

Personal responsibility should not be shunned and he is not all that wrong. It may not be a popular statement, and it may hurt peoples feelings or offend them... but spend money responsibly. I have a buddy that used a go phone for YEARS because that is all he could afford. When he finally got some pay raises and his

Absolutely... If you’re poor, but have an iPhone, a PS4, and a big screen HDTV then I’m not paying for your healthcare.

Mostly. But I can’t stand the wide flat lip of the wheel-arches on almost every new car:

Wow, you pitted one of the best value on the market (the CR-V) against one of the most lackluster LR in recent history.

Lets imagine a world without Brexit for a moment...

I’d kinda kill for a huge increase in oil prices. I know it would hit many financially, but the less trucks and SUV’s that I see the better.

I honestly don’t see a problem with it. People actively avoid cops all the time. Hell, this is basically just an internal version of waze’s road reports, with a little more predictive finesse thrown in.

GM part owner of lyft. At least lyft, and I think also GM, are sponsors of the site.

This is just more of their vendetta against Uber. Apparently, they are required to have at least one article a day that is anti-Uber.

That analysis doesn’t make any sense either. Their take rate goes to 100% if they get to autonomous vehicles. The idea that margins will only increase 5% is based on an anonymous source with zero data backing up. They did $5.5 billion in annual revenue. Could they realistically operate an entire fleet of vehicles

Am I confusing the math here? If their current take rate is between 20-23% and self driving cars would give them +5% and they need 25% to break even, then all they need to do it is implement self-driving cars and raise prices slightly. Slightly raised prices are still lower than cabs and still offer a preferable