
I don’t think you can include Europe’s inclusion of mass numbers of refugees into the equation. That was their decision and hardly makes NATO stronger. I wonder if the rent the US pays to the locals for bases (land and building use) is part of the equation. How about the cost of improvement to facilities the US pays.

I see your point regarding refugees, but those countries always have the option of denying them entry. Granted that raises its own set of issues, but I’m not sure ancillary costs for refugees can be included in national defense budgets. If that were the case there are a lot more costs the US could include as well.

Or in an equally idiotic assumption, she innocently but firmly rebuffed their non-stop wolf-like sexual advances as they constantly eye-raped her in the showers. See how dumb it sounds when you make idiotic assumptions?

i feel like it’s kind of forgivable when it’s, you know, king arthur.

Okay, and I know there’s differences in terms of creature comforts and whatnot, but a $63k Camaro would beat the ever-loving shit out of a $63k 5-series in any performance metric you care to name. I’m not even a huge muscle car/American car guy but this ZL1 is amazing.

Jesus Josh, it’s getting built calm the fuck down.

Human—>Resources. It’s not a name, it’s a mission statement that’s lacking punctuation.

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

Yes I know it’s “standard” but it’s bullshit. If you want to give our service members discounts give them the discount on any car they want.

Also, it’s possible that people don’t understand that Tesla doesn’t use hub motors.

Now if there was only some sort of government standard to get morons to turn OFF the DRLs and turn ON the head and tail lights when its dark, rainy, foggy or snowing out......

Why not just NOT have fake tips not attached to the pipes?

A giant stack of food, diapers, and clothing labeled as all the things employees could buy for the same cost as annual union dues

Now playing

This should answer your question in the first 5 minutes. It’s actually pretty neat:

I feel like this information could be better rounded out with some stats on cab companies. Anything can sound extreme without context.

This is a Brazil problem, not Uber’s

What’s wrong with a giant lawn ornament? If it’s neat and not a hazard, who cares? I’d rather have a plane next door than a jackass with 10,000 Christmas lights and inflatable reindeer.

Yeah I tend not to care what people do with their own shit on their own property. If you get mad because someone has a car in their driveway that hasn’t moved in months, that’s your problem, not theirs.

I fucking hate people.