
So in only two weeks Trump has ruined a dam built in the Kennedy Administration? Well, when California secedes they’ll fix it likety-split.

Nice try but:

I blame the Democrats for nominating the least electable major party nominee in history.

So they’ve got more aircraft and ships than they can maintain. Are they still capable of doing their intended job with the currently operational jets and ships? If so, it’s a sign of having too much equipment, not a sign of a budget shortage.

Whoever is responsible for this change needs to get fucked.

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to

Can you imagine the uproar if a show called “Dear Black People” was created where the trailer shows a condescending view towards black people? Kinda puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. Not that I really care either way, just pointing out why people might find it offensive.

I don’t see how random people cancelling their Netflix subscription has any major affect on society. You know what does? Race baiting and getting people to fight among themselves based on superficial issues when we should be working towards uniting human beings for the betterment of society. If you really think this

Man, the author of this article is doing nothing but further racial tensions by slinging mud and massively generalizing an entire group of people.

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.

NFL players aren’t overpaid. They are paid based on the amount of money they bring to their company. There are only a couple thousand of them capable of playing at that level, and they bring in billions in revenue every year.

Yes. It’s called “economics”.

Is this a serious question?

Funny how Lanesplitter writers used to be all ATGATT and now you’re out here on 1000cc’s in chucks and a canvas jacket

Not Really, the only thing it has in common is the character line along the doors, looks good though.

The back end looks like they fell asleep after watching 24 hours of Tahoe commercials and then designed it.

JFC do I really have to start another response with JFC? This is an eyes on the prize time people. As in keep your eyes on the f’ing prize and not on stupid distractions like this. You’d think the idea was being planted by an alt-right misdirection campaign.

If it’s from the same company, I see no problem. It’s not like they plagiarized someone else. Maybe they’re just trying to save money, at the same time, delivering a different message.

That’s a lot of assumptions based on a video where we can’t even see what the driver is doing.

Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.