
Vanbro was hustling. That’s about as fast as I’m comfortable with driving up a shopping center driveway in dry weather.

Wagons, period. And don’t give me that “crossovers are wagons” bullshit because NO THEY ARE NOT. Would you tell your child medicine is candy? No, because then they’d take too much and die, just like wagons are nowadays.

Think of the children, people!

The automobile part is fine. Even the discussion about the penalties are fine. But the part about “lets Uber dodge a lot of modern corporate bullshit, like being responsible or paying fair wages and health care.” is a political opinion that reasonable people can disagree about. It has no place on Jalopnik.

“As many as 1.6 million drivers in California got involved in a class action against Uber back in the summer over the eternal issue of the ride-hailing service not treating its drivers like employees, but as contractors instead. It’s a move that lets Uber dodge a lot of modern corporate bullshit, like being

I am very curious here. Trump and the National Security Team do not plan raids. This was done by Naval Special Warfare Group with approval from CENTCOM. Anyone in the long chain from the LTjg up to the 4 star could have stopped this raid if they felt it was going sideways before they hit the ground. That the Op went

Found the guy concerned with the size of other men’s genitals.

Just lower your truck. Problem solved.

From the back, the car looks great. From the front....

Hold the damned smartphone! Did Lexus just have the balls to put a 4-cylinder in their car and actually name the car after the true displacement and add a “T” for “turbo”?! Well done, Lexus. Points for logic and accuracy.

There is. Mechanically: ECU tunes and injectors, exhaust systems.... Aesthetically, retrofitting GTI exterior and interior bits on a Golf, ...

Stereos, intakes, car seats, headlights, etc.

This is going to suck for the people removing their aftermarket parts but do not have their OEM part anymore.

Like tits on a snake.

TIL that people still think that those incredibly stupid fake hood scoops are still cool for some reason. I have many feelings about them, one of which you illustrated - it makes off roading WORSE

Are we looking at the same truck?

Why wouldn’t David want to make this known to the greater Jalopnik community? He’s just reporting on what’s going on out there. You claim to have almost 20 cars in the bag so I doubt you’ll find any sympathy here. This is some capitalist, fuck-thy-neighbour thinking but if it’s working for you, then hopefully all

It was already known...

“Free trade benefits all.”

It is definitely easier in DoD, but neither of the statements you said are accurate. The procurement process is lengthy for both, but the military is better funded. GSA contracts out the maintenance portion of their buildings. The toilette paper you are claiming wouldn’t even enter a tracking system for the

As someone who has done inventory work at both the DoD and USDA, neither of those are accurate. The USDA doesn’t even purchase their own toilet paper or restroom supplies. That is handled by GSA who manages all their buildings.