
“while Rockstar has continuously updated GTA Online for free”

It sounds like the part breaking had less to do with the structural capabilities of the seat, and more to do with how he got in and out of the car.

I’m going to go ahead and trust Hyundai’s quoted percentiles over “hey I’m tall and seems like a lot of people are similar to my height.

Are you daft? They fixed it twice already. What are they supposed to do, fix it 4,864 times because the guy is fat?

Well, when you’re really heavy you have to deal with these types of problems. If he were 8 feet tall and his head kept wearing out the headliner, would anyone expect Hyundai to keep replacing the headliner?

I think you’re wrong and they have nothing to worry about. Social Justice Warriors only care about fat women, not fat men.

This doesn’t make sense to me:

Any power we trust one president to have that we wouldn’t trust in the hands of another -shouldn’t be a power any president has in the first place.-

Jalopnik has turned into a giant anti trump political circlejerk. I didn’t realize a car related website could take such a quick nosedive into hoseshit reporting.

Special snowflake doesn’t like facts....

Is that yellow cab a Dodge Grand Caravan?

The executive order explicitly references the 2015 law.

Everyone loves when their party gets increased power when they control the executive branch, but then gets angry when the other party gets control and abuses those very same powers.

I remember hearing the same thing from the last time Hillary Clinton lost an election. America would never vote for a black guy with a weird foreign sounding name.

Trump’s so terrible we can run anyone we want against him and win in a landslide!

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

Those low advertised prices are such bait & switch. What they do is use ALL rebates offered, like college grad & veterans discount, and use that to come up with the low price. Its legal, but only .001% of consumers will qualify for all of those.

Actually I had to take a class, then get fingerprinted and approved with a background check to get my permit, but yeah, other than that, totally like voting...

Crying about toys, are we?