
You seem like the type of “mindset” that purposely misses the trashcan so that a Janitor can pick it up for you....

-Unions didn’t save manufacturing jobs in the 70s/80s (not necessarily their fault, I know)

So why the fuck don’t more people join unions? 

Because aside from perhaps the professional trade unions, most workers aren’t really seeing a value. I worked retail in a supermarket chain that was and still is unionized in my late teens and early 20's. Hell, I was even a union steward for 6 months before I left that job! Back then, I truly believed in the union

It’s like this isn’t even a car site anymore.....pickup trucks and minivans? Best we could do here? Come on.....Let’s give him a jalopnik special - the volvo wagon! Only more like volvo SUV for dog purposes.

Just go with a low fee ETF. They even have ones that target 2045 to manage the balance mix.

Nope. VW totally didn’t think about that at all, so in mere months, if not weeks, you will be unable to see out of the windshield.

Habitat loss is the major reason that birds are declining, and I’m willing to bet that other human activities contribute faaaar more to this than turbines do. Also, if we are serious about saving birds, we really just need to exterminate household cats. They kill 4 billion birds annually, compared to a maybe few

I submit that it’s a bad idea to look down on people because you think they did something you dislike and your only evidence is their race, gender, and home state.

“I’d have more respect for them if they didn’t vote at all.”

Or you just don’t understand ALL Trump supporters. Just the ones they put in front of the TV and write articles about to push a narrative.

This is so cool. I bet he could get a pretty penny for this as well if he wanted to sell it. Also am I the only one that likes the looks of this X-11? It almost has a Japanese compact hatch 80's look to it.

I don’t have to slow down because I have AWD.

“It’s OK to stay in the left lane as long as I can do the speed limit”

“AWD is better than snow tires.”
“Snow tires are a waste of money.”
“You’re better off because you have AWD.”
“I want AWD to keep my family safe in the winter.”

Last week Giz encouraged the download of a Chinese photo manipulation app. 2 days later Ars Technica had a story about what a security nightmare the app was...Giz never ran a story to warn people. Its a really disappointing tech site.

Yes! It kinda feels like they should disclose that in the article. But what do I know. Thank you!

Wasn’t Gizmodo promoting this or something similar at one point?

$3M is waaayyyy too low to be “very rich”. By net worth, $8.4M is the bottom of the 1%.