
Thanks, Terrell. I’m generally in favor of strong defense, as the alternative usually costs more in the long run (and I don’t believe in cutting ties at all). But I have to question why you think that wealthy European countries can’t afford to pay their own way. I’m talking about a percentage of GDP, not overall

look how far away he was when he could first see them. His “attempt” was very poorly timed.

I’ll help you here. He was driving way too fucking fast.

Oh they can afford it, they just chose not to because they know they’ll get NATO protection either way. I think we should make NATO support contingent upon countries meeting their NATO obligations.

How can you honestly say that?

Obama gave Crimea to the Russians, flat out. He relinquished grip on the security of eastern europe, with that the slide began.

As this article seems to be largely an attempt at defending the past administrations policy and damning the one that started 1 hour ago, I will only point out that, even as such, it is poorly thought out. One can basically stop reading after this early sentence “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to

Why cry about it when you can just go here:

<If Russian troops can enter Estonia or Poland, in theory, why not Germany as well?>

San Andreas was the one I had the most fun playing and the game that I immediately think about if someone says “Grand Theft”

I’d argue Tyler was more unbiased than apolitical. He had no problem calling anyone out on poor FP decisions.


Nailed it.

Perhaps FA was “inexplicably” successful (for a Gawker sub) because Tyler was heavy on the technical content & analysis and light with the politics.

So, in a nutshell, you’re going political now.

There is no meaningful way for them to prevent this, aside from disabling mobile phones while they’re mobile. I’m so tired of living in a world where the lowest common denominators set the standards for EVERYTHING. If those people weren’t on their phones they would have been reading the newspaper or a book or doing

Okay, that’s fair. I don’t like playing an attack map with triple snipers who won’t switch, because yeah, more often than not they’re the kind of “gold elims bitch I ain’t going healer” player that just doesn’t understand the fundamental goal of a team-based game.

It also doesn’t “compress the material.” I’m not even sure what he’s trying to say. Between this and the baseball bat story, I’m starting to think Andrew really doesn’t have any idea what he’s writing about.

The “re” in “rebar” stands for “reinforcing,” not “reinforced.”

“Inside nearly everything made of concrete, you’ll find reinforced steel rods that compress the material”

Well, more importantly, risking the lives of dozens of innocent people. Luckily, multiple governments (Including the US) scrambled to save them all before harm could come to them and their families.

This is great news! Other traitors will love it!