
Okay it looks better in these photos. Still not exactly an improvement but it’s not bad.

For reference:

Detroit actually wasn’t that cold this year. Went Saturday and it was a pleasant 25ish.

Nah, there’s people who sit inappropriately in the left lane on highways. You need to be much more careful than you might otherwise be, but at some point you need to pass. If staying to the right except to pass was properly taught and enforced, then yes, passing on the right would be totally unacceptable.

You can pass plows, just not on the right.

Actually, he generally opposed slavery and he and his wife funded efforts to free slaves in the South. He and his wife also set up a school for slaves (which was illegal, BTW). But he was a product of his time, too, and any idealism he may have held about slavery had to be tempered against what he considered to be

Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.

In for people complaining about the price, not realizing how much new cars cost.

Have you seen how much loaded out RAM trucks are going for?

Out of curiosity, what problem would you have if he DID inherit the four houses? Now, I understand larger qualms about unequal distribution of resources, but what actual course of action are you suggesting here. Should all of his houses be taken since he was going to inherit four? Or maybe just three of them? How many

I for one am grateful for all those people acting on the principle of the matter, because it’s gotten you and I many of the freedoms and rights we take for granted.

So what kind of cars do you own/like?

I’m guessing it uses Christini’s regular AWD system. Notice how the forks look a bit different?

Rand Paul has been trying to go to war with big Pharma for as long as I can remember, problem is no one else really (from either side of the aisle) wants to go with him.

Cory Booker and my guy Bob Casey Jr., et al vote against this bill and then you have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz voting for it?

The Harley issue was for an after-sale “tuner” that became hugely popular — when too many Harley’s were reconfigured at the dealer as part of new bike setup / accessory sales, they Feds stepped in. I don’t recall them having an issue with emissions with bikes with the “factory” engine calibrations.

How many times do I have to explain this to people? THE BANKERS DID NOTHING ILLEGAL.

Yeah, someone who previously served as a cabinet secretary and as a deputy secretary of the department she’s nominated to lead has zero clue about the role of the federal government.

God, the schadenfreude will be palpable if NFL owners end up paying for a new San Diego stadium after the publicly-funded option was soundly rejected. Perhaps this will embolden municipalities everywhere.

I sure as hell hope whatever the fuck Lexus is doing isn’t considered a “trend”.