I Am Gnome Ann

Loved that book! Mutinies, round robins... siblings and cousins and I used to sign confessions to bad stuff we’d done like that. Aka I made them do it since I was the oldest and the only one into it

Just to be clear, Borax and boric acid are very different. Borax is the precursor to boric acid and while it’s not very toxic, probably best to stick to the pills in the link you mentioned which actually are boric acid.

It really doesn’t taste much different when you cook oatmeal with the egg in it. I’ve done it on purpose for a more complete breakfast and it’s pretty good. Does have a slightly different texture.

As a child we used to put food coloring in our Cream of Wheat breakfast... I made mine especially blue-green one day and was very freaked out about blue poop until I realized. I was maybe... 8?

You look great! This photo kind of looks like you’re standing on a box that says “Washington Prom” in order to make you as tall as your date. I think the shinyness of the floor is giving the effect. :-)

Totally makes her look even shorter than she is! She looks crazy tiny next to Mulder for the first four or so seasons until she puts on a coat that fits.

Well, when the women’s room is nicer, it is really really nicer - lots of places have women’s rooms with couches, a vestibule area, lotions, etc and the men’s will maybe have a chair if they’re lucky. But when they’re bad, they’re horrid.

I feel this exactly. Wake county where I grew up is so blue, but the rural majority of the state... makes it hard to defend.

Yeah, the one time I really ate it on my bike, flew off, hit the ground and slid a bit... a dude literally watched it happen, kept walking. Whatever man.

But there’s something to that, right? The shiny part is the looks, but the new part is the lack of romantic and life experience that is also attractive to creepers. Something about the idea that a younger girl doesn’t know how creepy an older dude has to be in order to want to date her in the first place, and it’s all

That is hilarious!! What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and have this line ready :-)

You’re doing good work here. And I got a laugh out of the Tragically Still Gary comment. Sorry that some still can’t seem to see the forest for the trees.

Right! And I avoided specifying, because all of the Southern states have something to recommend them, but NC truly is the best - that’s where I lived before CO. Eastern NC BBQ forever!! Nothing beats a church (any old church) barbeque plate with potato salad and sweet tea.

Thank you for saying that. As someone from the South originally, it really grates to hear people from other states act as though geography gives them immunity from being racist.

I think what I was attempting to say and what you are saying are similar, but different in a key way. To attempt a clarification on what I wrote, please see below:

No, no offense taken at all! And, it’s very fortunate that you’ve been able to turn your poor experience into a positive life-view, and I completely admire that.

I hear that - I tend to have a slightly contrarian streak which meant that the snooping, at the time, meant I just hid more things. I read your other comment though, and agree that currently I am much more open about phone, purse, whatever. Because I have nothing to hide from people who have my actual best interests

Strikes me as surprisingly similar to the dominatrix/sub relationship dynamics described in another thread/article - if you’re “serving” someone by doing something they haven’t asked you to do and actually you wanted to do it anyway, who are you really serving? Probably yourself.

My mother used to do this, and I finally confirmed for her that it was actually illegal to do so (open/read mail that is clearly not intended for you) and she stopped. Took a letter from a very kind librarian at the Library of Congress who looked up the appropriate law/statute thingy for me. My mother’s problem was

Photos look nice but the master bedroom’s bathroom doesn’t have a tub. I’m out.