I Am Gnome Ann

Exactly! It’s just the old reasoning behind stereotypes, they wouldn’t be stereotypes if there wasn’t some truth to them... You have to just laugh.

My mom had the same experience with Junebug - she was so offended that rural North Carolina was being portrayed... accurately... but then my grandparents (who are also from and live in NC) told her they loved it and thought it was perfect and she kept quiet after that.

Have you watched any Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared videos? There’s 1-5 on YouTube, and if you like odd vids, these are great.

I’m thankful every day that my dad understands the difference in the economy between 1973 and now. I’m not sure how I would deal with a family member saying the things that I hear from other “adults” or internet denizens about how lazy I am and how I knew what I would be making when I took this job. Sorry to hear that

Do you eat in the bathroom? Would you eat food prepared in a bathroom? Why wouldn’t you afford the same care and cleanliness levels that you expect for yourself, to a child, especially a baby who doesn’t have a fully developed... anything!?

Naomi Campbell looks like she could shoot a CoverGirl ad right there. Caitlyn Jenner’s sleeves aren’t cap sleeves, they’re short sleeves, and they throw her into casual territory. Which in my opinion is her worst mistake here - she looks headed to the club for lunch and everyone else is at least at a party. Is

Just as a thought, from someone who likes dim and music:
Dim = just kind of romantic, plus I personally think people look nicer in soft lighting
Music = nice background noise so I don’t get in my head too much about slurpy/weird noises
So it’s not so much that we can’t see, or need a rhythm, but more about setting a mood

I do, not all the time, but he seems to really like it. I think it’s fun to shop for and enjoy the surprise aspect (I’m otherwise bad at keeping surprises secret).

Ah! I got that too! And I completely agree, it looks really natural and is easy to blend in.

I ordered a new lipstain in my favorite color, not too expensive, like $9, and then it came in the mail and I got TWO for that price!! Super stoked. CoverGirl Lipstain in 435. :-)

SNL’s sound mix is so consistently bad. I don’t get it. Major artists on that show, come on, and you can’t hear them sing over their own music? Sometimes it’s even someone I really like and I’m listening saying “Who is this?” because I can’t hear them.

Actually, yes. In the transfers made between banks and then short-sellers, some loans (the paperwork, specifically) were “lost.” For a while many people were encouraged to ask their banks who were collecting or foreclosing on them to prove that the bank held the loan - some of the banks couldn’t do so and therefore

you’re funny :-) many a time I have been lured to Krispy Kreme...

The man in this story actually hadn’t eaten any doughnuts yet - you don’t get to the doughnuts until you’ve ran 2.5 miles already. So he just straight up had a heart attack, not doughnut related.

You only have to eat the doughnuts if you are doing the competitive version of the race, which I would say from having been at this race several times over the years, only 1/2 of the people do. Maybe less. Otherwise you don’t have to eat them or sometimes bystanders will help you eat them!

Mutiny Used Books in Denver. It’s great, usually has a treasure hidden somewhere, they have coffee and allow dogs!

Right - that’s also what I was thinking, I just don’t understand the connection to the specific number 44, so I was looking for a more direct link there.

Thanks for your explanation - I get the concept, I just don’t get the connection to the number 44 in particular. For example if it’s between three bad options why not choose “33”? In my opinion if it was meant as a play on words it wasn’t a good one :-(

Sarah, apologies if I am being pedantic here, but is “Catch-44" actually “Catch-22"? I’ve never heard of Catch-44 before and I even tried to Google it to figure out what it might mean as a play on Catch-22. You can delete this comment if you want.

Hey, looks like there might have been a typo in this sentence: