I Am Gnome Ann

There is, it’s for huge nerds I guess (me), it’s offered by the National NeedleArts Association, there’s levels, etc. Anyway, very cool that you knit and that your great-grandma taught you! And I don’t sell socks, ever. Other things, sometimes, but never socks. You just can’t get the ROI necessary to make a profit.

Hi Mindymoo, this is totally off topic, but you are a master knitter? As in, did you get the certification? I would love to hear about your experience as I am hoping to start Level 1 soon. Are you on Ravelry?

I would say that instead of “they WILL come back to you” it’s more of a “they MIGHT come back to you” especially if the more permissive parent is granted custody. My brother is only now, 10 years after the divorce, acting like a normal person and not an incredibly entitled and spoiled brat. Most of the entitlement and

Right? I found out I was allergic to something in Cherry-flavor Chapstick when I woke up (had applied the night before) with big puffy lips. I just threw it out. Didn’t blame Chapstick for my allergy, in fact I still use the other flavors.

Now I’m going through all the options of what the name could be. Ampersand? Tilde? Carat? Asterisk! No, Parenthesis!

As a Coloradan, you can have ours. Except for the slopes where people want it, I guess. We had a white Thanksgiving this year where the gods dropped around 6-7” and that wasn’t even the first snow of the season. It snowed on Mother’s Day this year. I was procrastinating on getting my winter clothes out of storage but

Sometimes they are called ear jackets or ear cuffs. Usually it’s a stud earring with a fancy backing that holds it on. I didn’t get that at first and was thinking it was three pieces (stud, “jacket,” and stopper) but the jacket is the stopper piece. Pretty cool!

The year I took my ex-boyfriend with me to my family’s Thanksgiving: We go to a multi-family gathering, people I love dearly and also I really look up to them all so I want them to think the best of me, known them my whole life, etc.

Actually I happen to agree on the yearly doctor’s visit. Didn’t catch that you were referring to the OTC portion, sorry about that! I am firmly behind preventative care.

1 - I would suspect that there are a large amount of women who have been on BC for years that does work for them who would prefer to not be forced to schedule a doctor’s appointment to re-up on their prescription every time it runs out. This will be great for them. People who are new to BC should see a doctor - or if

At my work they used to be separate but as of 2016 they will be the same. Theoretically giving us all “more” PTO. BS.

You know, I didn’t even think of it like you wouldn’t but I just listen to it all the time on my phone and I also simultaneously know people who don’t have smartphones so I just wrote that and then remembered at the last second that it’s also available as a webpage not just and app so... enjoy your internet access!!

If you don’t mind a suggestion and you have a smartphone or an internet browser, I recommend Songza. The curated playlists available have a wide range, it’s better than Pandora because no ads really. Specifically, the playlists with “New Music for ‘Insert Season’ of 2015” are genre based, so it’s easy to get started

My boyfriend’s mother is CONVINCED he looks like Tom Cruise. Sure, I say. A much taller, redheaded Tom Cruise. Anything you say.

Not that it would matter anyway, the man doesn’t age. He’s vampire!

Looks like The Dark Side lipstick from MAC - really gorgeous burgundy/purple that looks amazing on a lot of skin tones

In agreement with the other commenter... I also purchased this model and had issue with the snooze. I found that using my whole hand to tap/smack it (not too hard) works. As in, literally all 5 fingers on the light.

In agreement with the other commenter... I also purchased this model and had issue with the snooze. I found that

This was the policy at the coffee shop where I worked. Incredible boss. #1boss

. Sorry, someone beat me to it!

Agreed, there is a significant difference between “eh, you’re alright but I might not hang out with you on my own” vs “I really don’t like you for x, y, z reasons” or “I get a really freaking terrible vibe from you as a person” and if it were either of the latter I would hope a true friend would mention it to me in