I Am Gnome Ann

Completely agree. The group can also be a good gauge of whether you’ll stay in the long term - there’s a reason your SO likes and hangs out with them, and we become like the people we are with.

That’s when you kick them in the shins, hard, and run. If the shins don’t work, you’re in a great position for a knee to the groin.

Well, it’s Borderline Personality Disorder according to both mine and my father’s therapists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

First story is 100% why I always set up a room so I can see the door from the bed, the couch, or desk without turning my head too much. Well, that and a little feng shui, but I really couldn’t have my back to the door.

I’ve had so, so many conversations with my mother that she denies. Ranging from “you don’t look good in light purple” to “Did you know about this?” (which refers to the divorce papers she was served by my father while I was sitting at the breakfast table with her) (and no, I didn’t)

Not wrong to be annoyed. One more vote for staying home and sending a nice gift.

If you’re having trouble cleaning a bowl or pipe my best suggestion is epsom salts and rubbing alcohol in a ziploc. Shake that thing around and all the gunk will come off really easily.

Well you know what they say, “if you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter”

No worries! That guy’s response was jerky. We’re all good. :-)

Sorry to offend, I just thought you might not know how to get your keyboard to do the accent, not that YOU didn’t know “maître” used it.

For funsies, you may not be aware that on some operating systems (mac for sure, not 100% on others) if you hold down the “i” on your keyboard you can access the î. :-) *the more you know*

To be really pedantic, Tyrian purple was made from snails. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In one of Martha Washington’s diaries, I think, there was a description of a cake made with 40 eggs. 40! I think she had to “gather” eggs from a few families worth of chickens for that.

She thanks him for the hug!! I would too.

I was scrolling down... and then this story ended TOTALLY different than I was expecting. Excellent work. I was horrified for you, having been a host on Sunday brunch more days than I can count. But COOKIES! :-)

I read through the google that the production company paid to have the hay room re-done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I remember always pretty much liking Genevieve’s designs (biased as we have the same name). Anyone else remember the “Tiffany’s” bed room where the walls were painted this too-bright teal (didn’t really match the Tiffany’s blue) and then the designer scribble-spray-painted white paint everywhere to... match the

When I was a child, I went to summer camp, we went to a lake, and found this wallet. We opened it to search for identifying information and found inside a letter from presumably the girlfriend of the man who had lost the wallet. The letter was all about how she wasn’t feeling well, thought she might be getting a cold,

My favorite Moment in Inappropriate Public Comments is similar, but different in one key way: A man approached me as I was at work, and told me he thought I have “absolutely perfect ears.” And wanted to know, had anyone ever mentioned that before??

Agreed. I hosted and then served, and proceeded to be pissed at my hostess when I got double sat. BUT when I covered for the host after having served, I was great at it. Should go the other way, and get paid better.