This is great advice:
This is great advice:
It is my most fervent wish that will never happen: birth control in the water. Make having a kid an opt-in process.
My number is actually only 3 numbers, and I’ve had it for 14 years... Ever since I moved to another state someone near my hometown has been giving out my number. I get their pizza, their eye doctor, their regular doctor. It’s obnoxious to get these voicemails confirming appointments for someone I don’t know.
Got it. No tweezers. :-)
Ugh truthfully I just hate paying for anyone else to do it to me and taking the time out to go get it done, etc etc. I am SO RESENTFUL about everything that costs me more money just to look like a woman “should look” (eyebrows) or that costs me money and time and causes pain (periods). I took the last one so far I got…
Oh man, I haven’t even considered the thought of grey hairs! I am so aware that other people are starting to find them at my age (27) but I haven’t seen any yet (fingers crossed). I already hate plucking my eyebrows but my skin is very sensitive to wax. BOOO
I think your story is a great concrete example of 2 things: 1) the attitude that “I didn’t have [insert benefit here], so why should anyone else get it” is very prevalent and hard to get away from even as we admit that [benefit] would be better for everyone and 2) how the corporate world encourages those attitudes…
One time I was giving myself a trim (I have very short hair) and I accidentally cut a bald spot in the back and had to fill it in with eyebrow pencil for a day or two to camouflage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a really excellent set of tapestry needles to contribute for small irritating pricks in un-scratchable places.
It’s my name too, named after my aunt. Never knew more than one or two, until I moved to a bigger city and now there’s one in my office whose emails I constantly get.
My boyfriend and I met at an “End of the World” themed block party in his neighborhood. We were introduced by a mutual friend who had just gotten back from grad school at Berkeley. Turns out all of our friends are mutual friends and we had just somehow never met.
Any recommendations for brightening/evening out skin? I have some leftover redness from acne and also I have ocular rosacea so I’m hoping to contain this before it gets much worse.
Eyeko skinny liquid liner. It comes in a brush-tip pen style and is extremely easy to apply. Does not need to be sharpened, ever. Maybe store it upside down. Lasts all day, sometimes all night. I have “normal” skin and fairly oily eyelids so it’s a big deal to find something that lasts.
We have a few in Denver and one in particular is especially infuriating to me: there’s a street called Galapago: pronounced by locals (wrongly) as Gal-ah-pay-go, pronounced by non-natives and correct folk as Ga-lap-a-go. I had someone (a native Coloradan) fuss at me about this until we looked up what it was named for,…
Absolutely! Plus it reinforces for your kids that their teachers should be treated with respect and a certain amount of deference.
Intimacy/familiarity is a great way to explain this. At any point if distance is needed between two conversational partners, using a more formal address is completely appropriate. See: teacher/student.
In kindergarten where I grew up (the south) we referred to our teachers as Mr or Ms First Name, and then from then on Mr or Ms Last Name. I have always found Mr or Ms First name to be a nice compromise of “I respect you, but we are also on familiar terms.”
I do not find it creepy, as I was taught that it was the polite thing to do. My friends, people who tell me to call them by their first names, fine. If it is an informal setting - youth group advisors, parents of friends maybe - Mr or Ms First Name. Any other time, Mr or Ms Last Name, or as introduced. No exceptions…
Sorry? I mean, I guess I did not click to see pending comments and missed this. You didn’t need to respond back to me. May I point out that you could have googled your original question and avoided the repeat answer.