I Am Gnome Ann

My boyfriend’s cousin named their three children Ashtin, Read, and Abigail. No worries about Abigail, but I just don’t understand the need for Ashtin instead of Ashton, which is generally pronounced the same. And Read instead of Reid - one of which is a verb and one of which is a perfectly good surname/surname as

Lots of plausible deniability when you have a dog. Neither my boyfriend nor I ever fart - it’s always the dog.

Totally fair and reasoned opinion. I had a different (not saying better) attitude that was mostly instilled by having a truly really amazing boss who set a fantastic example and I really wanted to please. I would have been really upset if I thought someone had been actually hurt/injured by a “vengeful” substitution I

Ok, sorry because I know I already replied to you, but if your general outlook is that baristas and servers are more likely to be jerks than not, then you have solved the problem by making your coffee at home. In my opinion if it is life-threatening, don’t rely on someone else to do it correctly for you.

The fast and easy way to generally get whatever you ask for at a coffee shop where you are paying for goods is to be nice and ask politely. No barista I ever knew, ever, would have subbed decaf for caf if the customer hadn’t had some sort of attitude.

Cookout is life!! Nothing better than getting a tray with some more of your main as your side and a t-shirt for an additional $2, plus a triple-Reeses vanilla milkshake :-)

There is an upscale Chinese restaurant in my hometown where the owner/chef sends out these little cups of soup with EVERY meal, it’s fantastic - usually either a cold or hot carrot/ginger or some great broth.

Can’t tell if he’s saying, “put me back together” or “f*ck me back together”

You’re so right! :-)

With regards to substituting heavy cream for 2% or whole milk in a latte or cappuccino - for starters it adds a significant amount of calories to the drink. The more important part of it though is it is gross to drink more than a tablespoon or two of heavy cream (and that’s only ok if it’s mixed in with something

Aha! Wild star appears!

But not with NASA, ‘cause that’s public money. Good luck with space in no suit, jerk!

oh MAN do I ever want to send this on to my smug relatives who tried to serve me almond milk with breakfast that one time because “it’s healthier” - yeah, not with all that sugar in it either, JUDITH

Goddamn I want to star this so bad and am kinja’d

I no longer hate that they went anywhere or did anything together at all, and I used to hate even thinking that they did stuff together that we hadn’t. It bothers me some that we still have some paintings she created and gave to him up as art in our house - but hey, we have some stuff from my exes up too I guess.

It’s incredibly unfortunate that this excellent program was almost entirely defunded by the Colorado state legislature in their most recent session. Because less pregnancies ≠ the result the Republicans were looking for, obviously.

Sample of one, but my cousin named her son Atticus.

Well, and what should I be doing if this is the situation: Got called for a phone interview, did well enough to get an in-person last Thursday. Was told they’re a little bit scrambling to find someone, and I should hear within the week. It’s Thursday again and I haven’t heard anything. I know it’s most likely that I

I’ve definitely noticed the trend towards overstating the potency of certain edibles as well as some just aren’t available anymore. One chocolate bar I saw recently had two stickers: one that said 25 mg THC, one on top of that said 35 mg THC; as if they’re afraid of people eating the whole time at once and getting

This is for real. My dad (born 1951 in Alabama) was #9 of 10. I am #1 of 2.