I Am Gnome Ann

I would like to add, in my opinion part of tact is giving the benefit of the doubt. Not to the extent that you’re excusing other people’s terrible behavior, but just not sinking to their level, either. Maybe they really are having a bad day. Maybe they’re just an asshole. Maybe it’s Maybelline. Let’s just not jump to

Used to work at a coffee shop and also retail... customers be crazy when it’s a full moon. Crazier than normal, even.

Just got my first ever evite for a wedding. A little less formal, and not something I can keep for my fridge, but nice! And easy to RSVP.

I apologize, I didn’t scroll down before replying to you, and several other people already told you what I was saying.

Thanks very much for your response! I will pick up some green ones. :-) Thanks again!

HOW does she make her legs so shiny??? No matter what combo of exfoliate, shave, lotion I use, my legs have never looked like that.

Which of those gloves do you use? If both, do you see better results with one than the other? I have keratosis pilaris, hate it, and am actively trying to reduce it. Very interested in the exfoliating glove idea.

One of the articles listed above says that she was eleven years old when she was cast. No wonder that robot baby looks crazy.

Do you live in the basement of the ISS?

Sally Field (no “s”) was Robin Williams’ wife in Mrs. Doubtfire.

I adore that people tried to help you out here.

My father did the same damn thing. Hilarious.

I completely agree, and you can decide for yourself whether this is really on-topic or not, but: higher SPF isn’t always “better.” What I mean by that is at a certain level there are diminishing returns and that you will get only slightly more protection from anything over SPF 30.

My mother, too, is an emotionally abusive narcissist person who possibly has borderline personality disorder. I haven’t spoken to her in two years, and we are not in contact. She maintains that she “doesn’t know what she did” and was a great mom. Our differences in perspective on that are why we’re not speaking.

Are you kidding? That is a totally inappropriate response. It’s not ok to pit siblings against each other or ask them to be a go-between.

You are the only person in the world who’s ever mentioned La Fiesta. I used to LOVE La Fiesta!

The day I got my period, I was 12. I also happened to have a doctor’s appointment after school, which my dad drove me to; the doctor asked me if I had my period yet and I managed to squeak out “yes, today,” while dad looked on. I have subsequently never had a parent in an exam room (my choice). My dad very kindly

See basically my response to Mayotonilla, but: in addition to being a serial cheater, my mother was also a terrible, narcissistic parent who emotionally abused me. When I called out my grandfather for condoning her behavior and basically ignoring it’s effects on my brother and myself, I was summarily disinvited from

I am so sorry to hear that. Really and truly it sounds like you did a good thing, to which people responded in an uninformed way. Families are weird! I hope you are happier now.

Definitely. It’s been made clear to me (via my uncles) that I would be welcomed, if I could “get over” what my mom did and “accept” her new relationship. I have accepted it; I’m just not ready to forgive her terrible, neglectful, narcissistic parenting style (which was way, way more of a problem for me than the