I Am Gnome Ann

Pretty bad: My mother’s family knew she was cheating on my dad, and when he threatened to divorce her, my grandfather sent a family memo to the effect of: “Don’t talk to Mr. Catastrophe or I will disown you.” What’s worse: is that my mother and father stayed married after that, and my mom’s whole side of the family

I’ve got a couple... they aren’t that bad as I think I must have blocked out the worst of the bullying or otherwise was so introverted and nervous just to be myself that I didn’t even know I was being bullied until way later.

As long as the alcohol wasn't homeopathic, too, right?

Arm & Hammer makes an unscented one that really is unscented. And I am very sweaty so I look for the highest percentage of active ingredient and the A&H one is 19%.

Aziz, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish, but Louis C.K.'s been doing feminism, without the mansplaining, and has one of the best shows... of all time!

I'll tell you what my friend told me when I moved here a year ago. She shared with me that as far as dress code, "no one wants to talk to you in Colorado unless you look like you just came back from a hike." Which I have found to generally be the case!

Realized kind of recently that a lot of people tend to keep the same hairstyle and way of dressing from the era they thought they looked best in; an era which would often be their late teens or into their twenties. So people who were young then, seeing them in photos now, they look very dated.

Mazzie D below linked an interesting article:… which talks about Radical Honesty. I think this article seems like the author *thinks* Radical Honesty is a good idea but also doesn't really know how to explain being tactful.

Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough) (aka another thing we're having a run of)

This is also my mother. Emotional abuse instead of physical meant that everyone else saw her as a great, engaged mom when in truth she was overbearing, manipulative, and narcissistic. Our "memories" of my childhood are very different. When confronted with examples of her cheating on my father, she told me I caused

"Grown Kids" says a lot, in my opinion. "Why Some Adults Cut Off Their Parents" is more like it. The "shell game" is one that my mother also plays - why bother doing anything when you can look like you've done it?

Unnecessary. I was just curious how far he would go to stay consistent. Personally I have glasses and had braces, and if left on my own probably would not be able to chew properly and without my contacts can't see past the end of my nose. Although, without vaccines and the like, I probably would have died by now

If you love history, check out Prague. Tons of history, tons of art, and the exchange rate is in your favor by a long shot. Plus, people are friendly, the country is small and easy to tour, and the food is fantastic.

I'd be interested to know how he feels about glasses and braces!

Someone I thought I was friends with recently was describing another restaurant as "You know, it's not like a nice restaurant, like Olive Garden" and I had to totally reevaluate what I thought of them as a person.

This is very true. I have also been fired for a secret shopper's bad review. The story is: working at a sandwich shop. A coworker has just taken a break, made himself a sandwich, and then sat down. A "family" comes in. AKA a family and their mom the secret shopper. The mom wants to know, what is in my coworker's

That was a close moment a couple years ago when someone ran against her. There could have been a different, less awesomely-named person in our elevators.

Yes, we lock our doors, and yes, we take more care when getting dressed in the morning and drink less in places we don't know anyone, but no one says it's your fault when your legally parked, locked, windows up car gets broken into and then blames you for your own stuff getting stolen.

Nice. Shout out if you're ever in CO!

Where are you? Are you in a state where it's legal? I am, and we desperately need different marketing here. I work in marketing/graphic design/print production, and it's damn difficult to walk into a store where the whole place looks like it's a badly updated version of the 1970s. There's got to be a better way.