I Am Gnome Ann

At my previous place of employment, I had started out as the admin assist, and moved my way up through hard work and luck. A year and a half in, I'm in a full-time, Marketing Coordinator and doing my "real, went-to-college-for-this-work." Then, we hired a new receptionist. And it all went to shit when she found out

I really really hate that. IT seems to especially happen whenever I'm in a little bit of a hurry for something, but not enough to announce "I'm in a hurry." Like the grocery store lines... WTF do you mean, I "can't" have a roll of quarters. OF course I fucking can. I just gave you $10, you stood there and took it.

That's probably (unfortunately) the best bet. Bummer.

Sometimes it just happens. I worked at a coffee shop for 4 years, and I wasn't full time or anything, but I worked with the owner fairly frequently. More than once, someone was rude to me in his hearing, or very racist (somehow in their coffee order this type of person will just start talking, so it's not like they're

I sympathize with you, but also maybe you know that amaretto isn't always almonds? Sometimes it is made from peach pits. I think they are related, so if you find yourself sensitive to stone fruit that may be why. My mouth, personally, gets tingly with pineapple and mango.

Shoutout from one more. DEFINITELY not to brag, because why would you, but I have had shingles twice and it SUCKED terribly. Once in 5th grade (after having chickpox initially in preschool) and once at 22. Awful, awful pain right on my braline! Super into vaccines, over here.

I'm from the South, born and raised, both sides of my family. I've also traveled the world, eaten kale chips, and watched Girls. I don't have a trust fund, but I did find this article hilarious. You seem a little over sensitive. If you can't have a sense of humor about a grits facial, maybe you need a little more

Right?? I do the same thing. I once considered asking my instructor what, exactly, we were flushing out, but then I decided against it because I didn't want to just pick a fight. But it still irritates me.

Normally I would ignore an article like this, but it includes a pet peeve of mine: the idea that anything is pulling "toxins" out of your body. Your body is already perfectly set up to filter whatever "toxins" you choose to put in it - these perfect filters are called your liver and kidneys. Most of the time when

The thing that is stopping me from doing this is that my own mother thrives on any attention paid to her. For me, writing an obit after her death would be one last time when I jumped and she won. I'll let the newspaper print her relevant details and move on with my life.

Three weeks previous, had broken up with boyfriend of just over 2 years. Met the new Mr. Right at a block party in his neighborhood. Huge soapbox derby race and then party afterward with kegs and a band and drinking, all in someone's backyard. I was there with friends and it turned out that when I took a break to talk

Agreed. Andrea Mitchell is usually a pretty serious reporter, and I was surprised to see this happen.

I miss Jenna, so I feel like the idea of a fashion-focused column is a great idea. However I do not feel like a regurgitated Lucky article is the best way to go about having this.

I think you're underestimating the appeal of purchasing it legally.

Agreed. In NC it was $10 more than that for quite a while

Me either! Twinsies!

I'm pretty sure absolut is doing a version of hibiscus vodka, if that helps.

"I don't know anything about your personality, and I don't care enough to find out" is <i>precisely</i> the MO my mother has about the Christmas tchotchkes she gives me every year despite the fact I'd just rather not.

Agreed. Warm, functional with the Thinsulate lining. Living in Denver has given me a new appreciation for warm vs pretty but with this one I get both. I have the camel colored version (got it second-hand at Goodwill for about $7). Good deals are to be had if you shop off season!

Did someone write this on the magazine? Or was it legit on his shirt?