I Am Gnome Ann

Agreed. As a 17-yr old freshman in college I was hostessing at a Ruby Tuesdays and one of the servers was 22. We dated for a while. It is not even that far apart, but the difference in life stages was significant.

Polygamy also served a very specific purpose for Joseph Smith. Indeed, he had already committed adultery by the time he received his "plural marriage revelation" which was officially given to him about 10 years after he married (in secret) his first plural wife.

And as Billy Crystal (Fernando) says, "It's not how you feel, it's how you look! And you look marvelous!"

You should check out Raleigh Workshop, they offer women's raw, in a fitted and a straight cut.

I loved the hair and the color, didn't mind the sleeves, but I do with it was cut off a little shorter at the bottom - into a pencil skirt or something like that. She's still pretty young, she doesn't need to go floor length glam. Showing off a little leg would have been nice and age appropriate.

Did you know you can buy 25 of the pee in a cup and dip it kind for about $8 on Amazon? I got a pack of those a while back and feel set for another several years. Apparently they are the kind that women will take day after day to see if their fertility treatment has "taken" yet and it will show very low levels of the

Prize turnips are actually poisonous to eat. They (and most other "prize" vegetables) are pumped full of pesticides and coated with chemicals to prevent animals eating them before they're enormous enough to show at the fair.

Agreed. Once you know what to look for, the little plastic triangle that gets inserted to hold the cartilage up becomes fairly obvious.

To me she looks like a hybrid of Gwen Stefani-Rhianna.

This is a thing that has often confused me - these look like what is sold as thigh highs - knee-highs often don't reach over the knee, just "to" it.

I kind of like this look but it reminds me more of flappers than the 40s. Cool song, too!

I always see these resemblances too! I think Robin Thicke looks like an alpaca. And I agree that Tom and VB's son look alike.

My best friend's child is named Colton and his half-sister is named Amelia, actually.

I'm holding on to all of these as potential names for my future dog.

My name is Genevieve, but I go by Gennie (pronounced Jenny), so a lot of times people go for 6 months or a year and then decided they want to say hello to me using my (mis-imagined) "full" name - usually they have decided it is Jennifer.

Normally Miley makes me cringe a little, but that blue outfit looks AMAZING on her. She looks great in color! I hope she wears it more often.

Shuttering forever? Closing forever? Taking photos forever?

Palimony sounds like something you would be court-ordered to give a friend who you didn't want to be friends with anymore. And it would be things like cookies and mandated cry sessions and hosting their brother when he's in your town. Resentfully.

Seriously. I can not come up with a reasonable schedule to expect myself to blog about knitting, my most favoritest thing ever, but somehow she just "arrives" at 3 sandwiches a week, "oh, perfect blog schedule, just enough time for me to edit all those photos and write perfect hashtag about where I got the recipe for

I agree. Even her math sounds really silly. Why draw it out that way? 3 sandwiches a week x 52 weeks in a year = 156 sandwiches. 2 years = married + a baby. What's the rush? And how does 2 more years put her "deep into her thirties"? Seems like a lot of hyperbole.

My cousin also lives in Alabama and named her kid Atticus Emmanuel.