and even more people who don’t also like that stuff, but hey good job being close minded and judgemental
and even more people who don’t also like that stuff, but hey good job being close minded and judgemental
You come off like the fun police
Don’t know anything about British law but demanding they not allow mods seems sort of like demanding that a paper company prevent its paper from having copyrighted works printed on it....
I feel like Armageddon was a consequence of executive meddling more than it was the studio making the kind of game they wanted to make. Given how wildly all their pre and post-Armageddon games emphasized open world freedom, I think Armageddon being such a linear slog was an unfortunate fluke.
It may be an unpopular opinion, but I see it as a controversy in US, Europe should not live with American baggage. Likewise, this wasn’t trying to be disparaging. People shouldn’t impose their own insecure views onto other countries - or you know, you shouldn’t do anything to shame the great people’s republic of china…
They created Medal of Honor, left EA because they were unhappy, founded Infinity Ward, created Call of Duty, left Activision because they were unhappy, founded Respawn, get bought by EA, end up making Medal of Honor.
Edit: actually, let me try to be nicer
“I’ve yet to see a game that more specifically caters to the sexual desires of, say, straight women or LGBTQ folks achieving a similar level of mainstream success”
No, I can truly imagine that there exists a pseudo-intellectual millenial raised on 90s pop culture who makes youtube video essays over-examining really inconsequential aspects of an industry he’s passionate about. I believe it.
I mean, yeah, what’d you expect?
Million-/Billion-Dollar Corporations aren’t your friends. They don’t care about gay rights. The only reason they engage in this is because the year long market research made them determine that it possibly increases sales in their targeted demographic, plus the additional merchandise…
It’s obviously not everything in a relationship, but damn... how could you cheat on a woman like that?
Speaking from experience, absolutely not. The “tracking data” assumes there is mocap, and given his appearance, there’s a 90% chance there’s none for Sonic, it’s traditional keyframe animation.
I would just say that From Software games aren’t for you, if that’s chief concern. I get that there is people that want to experience them, but not the difficulty. But there is a million games out there that are easy, and hold your hand, and beat you over the head with all the info they have. That’s most of what…
Imagine being such a corporate cheerleader that you demonize consumers from organizing and giving feedback. Maybe instead of being a bootlicking megacorp apologist, you could find your moral center and realize that these companies don’t want complaints and that most of this narrative is designed to serve them.
You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?