Mr. Max Maxi Maximum

Well, I’ve been slowly nudging to indies and smaller, both Western and Japanese, projects, as opposed to major AAA games in the last few years, with the occasional Last of Us in there.

I’m in the minority, but I can’t start much with these types of games, and I don’t care for Multiplayer. And I generally just have not

It’s the Japanese box art.
And the European reverse one, for that matter.

There’s a fan-made patch that fixes most of it, which is why and how most people are enjoying it on PC. Probably no reason for them to still spend money.

Alright, we went to insults real quick there, so I suppose you didn’t actually want a discussion, thus I’ll stop here.

Wonderful evening.

While, yes, if the roles were switched, there probably would be an outrage in the West...

...but maybe we should look at that. Maybe there shouldn’t be an outrage.

That’s a weird way to spell

If only it didn’t look like the original Zone of the Enders graphically?

This is all nifty and all, but I feel like having these super low-end graphics for VR kind of defeats the purpose? Is that just me?

Anyhow, I need to visit Japan.

But it is a kart race, in which you use karts. If he joins up, he needs to use karts, no matter how fast he is otherwise. Those are the rules.

It’d be like asking why aren’t motorcycles allowed in the Tour de France.

I mean, I get the joke, but it makes little sense lol
Of course, Sonic could be a massive ass and run to

Now playing

Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed is actually the best Kart-Racer to date, and they should make a sequel on current-generation hardware. Enjoyed it a lot more than the recent Mario Kart efforts. It’s also less chaotic, and the boat/plane switching was awesome. People still play it on PC.

Why would he be on his feet in a kart race?
Why would the Flash be running in the Nascar race?

Do you use a Tiger Helicopter in a Nascar race to be faster at the finish line?

It’s a kart race.

But can I kill them?

Yes. It’s about double of any of the four previous installments of this franchise.


Since the get go. It was always War, Death, Fury and Strife in the Darksiders universe.

This is Dragon Ball Z for Kinect all over again. But in VR.

> Kotaku
> Plunkett
> Clip Showcase
> No Gif Header

Oh my god, something must’ve gone wrong at the Kokaku offices. This isn’t right. This isn’t right.

For example, there’s chatter from the students in the classroom in Persona 5 - they could’ve added a few extra lines before the question from them e.g.“He’s never going to know the answer is [X]”, “Isn’t it [X]?” - Or rewrite the dialogue, where she casually explains it to the class, for her to then ask “Did you pay

Nah, I wouldn’t want Americanisms in a Japanese game.
There’s American games for that; But it should’ve been handled differently anyhow.

Y’know, Ghost in the Shell Arise, The New Movie and Solid State Society were a lot worse than the live-action film. Suffer from similar issues, actually, just in an even bigger capacity.

I’ll have to see who the writer is.

Yes, yes it isn’t. I phrased it badly, I guess, since that’s the only thing people gathered from it; The point I was trying to make isn’t that emulation is piracy, but that giving exposure to emulation software creates - by proxy - more piracy.

Let’s be real here, we both know most people are just going to download a