Mr. Max Maxi Maximum

Still the most underrated Fighter, along with Kofxiv.

I didn’t care for this game until her.

Okay, the Android one is amazing. I want it.

The Scarlett Johansson one... is... way too far in the uncanny valley for me.

That’s disheartening to hear, but... it is USPS.
Would’ve been better off with a more expensive solution like DHL.

If Nioh had about ~30 minutes more cutscenes, I think it would’ve been perfect. Especially at the beginning, it feels like something’s missing.

Towards the end it all just meshes, but you still get that feeling that you missed something.

How nice of them, the first and second re-release weren’t full-price!

Amazing that including everything in a Season Pass is a feature now.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the Z rating impose restrictions for selling the title?

Ah, yes, the “you don’t have to buy it” justification for F2P models in a full-price game - starring 6 fair $90 Season Passes - is always wonderful.

Ah, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.

I love you.

Wait, Valve? What games?

Now playing

It really doesn’t look that bad, actually.

Yeah. I don’t see why the tournament organizers are supposed to be responsible for this. If you become famous, it’s up to you to make sure your details aren’t freely available.

I don’t think film studios will make sure Scarlett Johansson as no stalkers. It’s up to her to hire security.

This is going to be interesting,

I didn’t think of Call of Duty and Battlefield, which yes, are the worse evils; But it is akin to most F2P microtransaction models. Except that here you also pay something upfront.

That’s every microtransaction system.

The similarities end with the way XP works.

Gamers are always pissed about everything and anything.

Yeah, I’ll wait for the “Complete Boxset” with Season 1 through 5.

Lightning has always been super popular in Japan. That’s been a thing we know since... she fell from heaven like lightning.

True, but the PS4's “third-party releases”, for example, mainly consisted of games already available on PS3 or PC.

And that for a whole year.