Mr. Max Maxi Maximum

You want a game to be just QTEs?

Should’ve just called it

Just that “Future Diary” as f*cking dumb 90% the way through and the suddenly it tried to be “more”.

Segata Sanshiro is a parody of Sugata Sanshiro, a character from the legendary Akira Kurosawa film... “Sugata Sanshiro”.

Nope. Published by Namco Bandai.

Sega once had a tower is what I got out of this. How the mighty have fallen.

I heart this.

Snippets, but not the full sequence. The “What about him?” part most definitely doesnt happen.

Now playing

Remember this trailer? The whole beginning of the trailer (first minute) is missing in the game (Unless there’s a flashback later on, havent beaten it yet)

Yeah, the whole games feels like


China never ceases to amaze me.

There’s a sweaty guy in all of those, probably cursing.

No, but Fall of Cybertron ended with a massive ciffhanger, clearly setting up a trilogy.

I don’t like it, so no one should like it. - Learn my way! The correct way!

That changes nothing about what I said. Clearly someone wants that Metal Gear Solid V figurine with the squeezable tits, otherwise they wouldn’t produce them, now would they?

“I don’t like it, so no one should like it. - Learn my way! The correct way!”

Well, at least no one will complain ejecting the Starship Enterprises’ escape pod early anymore.

What is this from, good sir? I need to know for my upcoming science project.

To be fair, the audience of such games are the ones that primarily purchase retail games.