Mr. Max Maxi Maximum

Whis can rewind time? Well, I wonder how the guys at Dimps feel, because that literally makes everything in Dragonball Xenoverse’s plot incredibly dumb and pointless.

Motion in Cities? Nooo... That's awful!

I always thought this was, like, the obvious next step from CiM, considering the transportation options are mostly - albeit simplified - still there!

If I could name game, I'd name it

No, it's the way it's programmed. It's pretty functional.

But what happens is (and the same thing happened in CiM) if you have a 3-Lane Road, and everyone wants to use the same next exit, they all use the lane on the right, because that's the one for exiting, similar to European Highways. (I don't know how it is in the

What have you done, Brian.
What have you done.

Wish they'd release Z and Z2 in the West.
Maybe package it up as one game.

Christ no.

The 'Pre-Order Now' at the end literally ruined all the build up this trailer had...

I'm not quite sure if I understand this. What's the point of having both this and an approval system?


What? You asked...

This is normal for Japan. They simply dont have the million dollar budgets US and UK productions have got. CG doesnt get a lot better than what you see in a Super Sentai (Power Rangers) Episode in terms of TV Shows.

Well, that video was freaking awful.
I was expecting CS:GO Graphics and Gameplay w/ Zombies.
But what is this?

Far Cry 3 did that

All these Korean singers start to look the same because of all the plastic surgery. :l

Blocked outside of the US...

She's either desgined like that because that's how she's supposed to resemble Halo 2 Cortana, or because of the sexism complaints of Halo 4's Cortana.

Why not Ellen Page as Ellie? Ellie based of her anyway

I hope they arent fixing these crash physics. They're so awesome.

There's different handling options on your Smartphone. It's tucked away somewhere.

Ouch. I thought the exact same thing as QuixoticO over there....

Hey look, indie games.