
and Eric Trump

You’ve obviously never been displaced by rich people. Try being a poor artist, who’s had to move about 10 times over the last 20 years, and gonna have to move again pretty soon because every neighborhood we (poor artists) move into becomes “cool”. Then we become social pariah’s (and rightfully so) and no person of

Here’s something you don’t seem to understand. Money holds value until it doesn’t. Venezuelan currency? Was worth less than Wow gold during the height of the troubles there. The idea behind a tradable cypto currency is that if the USD tanks, I can convert it to crypto as it’s happening and then easily trade that

“Money has value because we agree that it has value. Bitcoin is worthless because the vast majority of people say “What’s Bitcoin?””

There are now two exchanges (that I’m aware of) that are FDIC insured.

We also didn’t need paved roads for cars in the early days because they could only go 15-20 mph. Now we do. But a guy with a cigarette logo avatar probably isn’t someone we can trust with kids, let alone a decision like this.

He thinks it’s “digusting” because he’s a think skinned prissy little bitch. What happened to Texans being tough?

Noted. We’ll stop trying to treat you like everyone else.

Go back to English class and practice your reading comprehension then...try again.

Do you they qualify for a Darwin Award even if they think Darwin was “Fake News”?

The police don’t kill 10,000 people a year. Try again.

GPS issue is my only complaint. Easy fix though, I simply force close the app in my phone when I walk into the theatre and then reopen the app. Works every time.

Man, you really need to take a night class and learn U.S. Civics.

Me snorting cocaine in my living room doesn’t kill you and your whole family in 10 seconds.

Over 10,000 homicides a year. You all are shitty at fighting back.

I love my Rep., Karen Bass. I love that she doesn’t use hyperbole and ask gotcha questions like Rep. Lieu did. She’s classy and respectful as uses tact to slowly weave a narrative that forced Sessions to trap himself and show his own ignorance and inability to do his job well. But she never did it in a way that could

I use ONE plastic bag every three weeks for trash. Every time I go shopping I pay for one PAPER bag and use that as my recycle bag. 99% of everything I purchase is recycled. My carbon footprint is tiny because I choose to be aware and understand that my actions have consequences. Really, it’s not that hard. Go by dog

You realize that using a cheap plastic bag for your dog shit isn’t recycling, right? It sits in a landfill and creates toxic climate changing gases.

Did you forget the /s at the end of your comment?

I have a 6 and it is incredibly slow now. I’d advise others to hold off is speed is there most important thing for phones.