
Your thought process is right on point for a 15-year-old. If you’re 15, great. If you’re older than that, you really need to read more.

A lot of these companies pay little to no state or city tax. They threaten to move to a different city or state, holding their current city hostage for fear of losing paychecks for its citizens.

No, it doesn’t. You don’t understand what she said.

Even if she kept all her money in her bank account, it would still be helping people through bank loans. That’s not to say I don’t think every billionaire has a brain disorder, because they do.

Jeff has watched way too much Downton Abbey.

Jeff has watched way too much Downton Abbey.

While that’s true, 99.9% of the industry uses FD. Your example is the one given by people who try to pretend they can make it in this industry while living somewhere besides LA because one or two people successfully did it. They are not the norm, just like other screenwriting apps aren’t the norm.

I great trick I learned recently was the “would I buy it again?” question. If the answer is no, then get rid of it.

Yeah, you’re simply wrong.

I have this jacket and have two complaints. it’s really long in the torso. This is great for standing around trying to avoid getting cold, but on the move, I tuck it up and it’s pretty bulky. I’d love this material with a lower fill jacket but same cut (just a little shorter) for a more urban jacket. The Ghost

I have this jacket and have two complaints. it’s really long in the torso. This is great for standing around trying

If you buy Yeti from REI it comes with lifetime warranty, more or less. REI stands by all their products.

If you buy Yeti from REI it comes with lifetime warranty, more or less. REI stands by all their products.

Google Drive is the free version, G Suite is the paid version.

Also, when people use all caps, I tend to think it’s fake.

haha, you make my face hurt.

Because ‘Merica!

Because that defeats the entire beneficial Costco effect of government offers citizens. There’s a reason higher taxation is so successful when citizens stop being fucking lazy and actually pay attention and learn about the people running to represent them. It’s never the government’s fault, it’s the fucking idiots

“...every federal employee besides themselves...”

I don’t think you understood the OP.

He didn’t bother to read what he wrote.

You mean...our nuclear meltdown? Hate to break it to you, but you live downwind.