
Science realizes humans are like every other mammal on the planet.

“God made us in his creation.”

I disagree. I used my 4S for three years and never had an issue. It worked fine and I only upgraded because I didn’t want to take chances upgrading the OS too much more. Better to upgrade on my terms while my phone still works and can get some money for it.

Good post, I hate when that happens though and I have to start all over again.

Exactly. My only concern with your comment is us trying to solve the problem, when we created the problem in the first place. When we kill off the deer’s natural predators (wolves and bears), the problem your community is facing occurs.

And secondly, I haven’t been presented with any evidence that poaching big game increases their numbers. The only literature passed around is about deer, birds, etc. I have read literature that shows poaching decreases big game numbers though.

And I disagree that they would take down the bigger prey. They take down the prey they can get. They don’t think. Living for them is exerting the least amount of energy to stay alive, because food is always scarce.

Well, they’re doing it naturally, if it’s happening that way...right? And we have to keep it to big game animals who’s number range in the thousands, not ants who range in the trillions.

Exactly, that’s evolution. SInce we have larger brains and can comprehend what animals are doing naturally, we have the ability to recreate their hunting patterns to strengthen herds and still keep our bellies full. In essence, this is what humans were doing for the last 75,000 years up until the point where we

Anyone can cherry pick science to “prove” their argument. I just gave you science that proves your argument is invalid. Weaker DNA weakens herds. That’s pretty basic biology. Just because a herd might be larger from one season to the next, doesn’t prove the herd is stronger. And as we see a rapid decline in the

Here’s my problem with “hunters”. I’m not sure if you fall into this category, but if you’re using a gun at any point of the process, then you probably do.

Ah, gotcha. You guys seem to have way more options on Windows, I stick with Gmail online because nothing else really works well for OSX.

Outlook mail app for iOS. Does all those things.

I love how the drivers behind were like: “fuck, let’s turn around and find a different way.”

Looks like people watched Season 2 of True Detective after all.

Inbox stole swipe to archive from Mailbox? Do you fact check before you type? SParrow started that, then got bought up by...wait for it...Google. So technically Mailbox and everyone else stole it from it’s new owners, Google.

Post was incredible on this film. And the score. And the dp work. Hell, all around great film.

This sounds like a pretty glowing review:

Apple Music not only didn’t blow us away, it didn’t work half the time I tried it. That’s why it was a crushing disappointment.