
True, I meant more along teh Prius line, which Jeremy seems to loathe. Though he did give made props to the 8-Series.

This was definitely written by someone who’s been affected by someone close to them thinking about suicide or committing it. It’s obvious because they think of it (suicide) as a rational thought, when sucidie is anything but. Suicide is the thought of an injured brain. Like any body part that has been injured, the

You talk to someone trained to help you. There will always be a reason to kill yourself if you’re predisposed (mentally ill) to kill yourself. A trained person can help you see that life is beautiful, and that it’s meant to be lived. Or they can prescribe drugs to get you through the painful parts till we’re able to

I got so huffy half way through, ready to get on a soap box and say how unfunny suicide is for people with mental illnesses. But damn hey flipped the script and and made it poignant.

All good. Life is a dialogue. Don’t ever stop talking about it.

THat thing was borderline dead. So stingrays are more or less the vultures/hyenas of the wild?

Richard Hammond is such a sport. Between this and climbing a sheer wall with a a LandRover, he’s balls to the wall. So sad this show has come to an end. I pray Netflix will pick it up to keep the dream alive, even if I am a hybrid/electric car fan.

Glad people realize just how important sharks are to the eco-system. And this is coming form a surfer.

I think “being dicks on the internet” doesn’t really do them justice.

Sweet, thanks.

Now how do you get yours all on two lines? I’ve hidden a bunch, but I still have all five lines, some with only one icon.

Food and Booze? What could go wrong with that?

True story, I drove from San Fran to LA in the slow lane the WHOLE way because it was the fast lane the WHOLE way. Fuck Cali drivers, and the fuckers visiting.

Ugh, so true in California because..Mexicans. Not because they rape or smuggle drugs like Trump thinks, but because it’s a cultural thing. In Baja, they ALL drive on the left and use their blinker to tell people it’s safe to pass on the right.

Wasn’t the Forrester they’re elite vehicle back in the day?

Yeah, and I surf, so...I give full permission to /facepalm if I ever get eaten by one.

They’re probably just showing off, Aussies are crazy.

I really mis the smaller versions of years past. I currently have a Crown Vic and the Outback is just as long. My buddy can’t even fit his in his garage it’s so long.

My mom told that that if a woman ever hits me, hit her back because she’s lost all the rights that goes along with being a woman. Only time I’ve ever felt my mom was wrong about something. I just walk away, even though it’s only happened once in my life.

We’re not talking “quality, taste” and farm raised means the ecosystem can rebuild itself without us plundering it. Not sure where you’re getting your “facts”.