
Good video, thanks.

Yeah, try moving your fingers that fast, haha.

Yeah, Texas really needs to learn from Australia on how to conserve water. But (I used to live there for grad school so I feel I’m allowed to say this)...Texas and learning don’t really go together.

Yeah, for now. But who was begging for water from the US Government just a year ago?

God, read a book. An almond costs a gallon of water, a bottle of wine costs thousands of gallons of water. Almonds aren’t any worse than any other food grown in Cali. The real issue is bottled water from Cali and Alfalfa and grass being grown and literally shipped to China and Japan.

I know you’re drunk and typing, but...they are = they’re

Not to mention the blind toy looks like an angry Jafar from Aladdin.

God, you must be the worst dinner companion ever. It was 70 meters long. It was a TEST. People liked the idea of TESTING to see what kind of real world potential this might have. And guess what? It actually worked! Did the Wright Brothers fly across the Atlantic? Did Bell use a mobile phone to call Tahiti? Shit the

I’m totally fine with cops arresting wo/manspreaders. Arresting moms for waiting outside their children’s school at the end of day is cause for rioting against the police though.

Well, crime in NYC is at an all time low, just to play devil’s advocate, so it actually is safer. And when you don’t have public toilets in the city for pedestrians to use, homeless people aren’t simply going to stop pooping. There’s only so much pushing you can do to a human being before they push back.

I stopped reading after the third paragraph...since it was evident you were just rambling. Take a deep breath, and reread what you write before you hit send—you’ll catch a ton of errors that make you look like an idiot.

...and you still don’t know what infrastructure is...

Actually, when it comes to sunscreen the FDA doesn’t help you in any way. In fact, over the last 50 years, they’ve caused more skin cancer then stopped probably. They slapped an SPF number on labels and people thought the sunscreen was safe for half a century, only to find out the sunscreen wasn’t stopping UVA rays.

Actually, when it comes to sunscreen the FDA doesn’t help you in any way. In fact, over the last 50 years, they’ve know it’s not broad spectrum, right? It doesn’t protect against both UVA rays. Which means you’re still getting dangerous skin cancer/wrinkle causing rays. Sure, you won’t get burned, but that’s not nearly as bad know...cancer. know it’s not broad spectrum, right? It doesn’t protect against both UVA rays. Which means you’re

Actually, no...infrastructure is not delivering bottled water.../facepalm.


That’s called corporate welfare.

We try to fuck off, but then morons like you complain when the water stops running, when you can light your water on fire, and when your kids die from pollution. Then we’re stuck cleaning up the mess your lazy ass made in the first place just to make sure it doesn’t cross over into our own yard.

I already pay that slight tax increase in my state taxes and don’t mind at all for well paved roads, stop lights that work and clean water to drink and shower in. But if you don’t mind living in the 19th century, be my guest, there’s plenty of America for both of us. But you can be damn sure the landfills won’t be in

So you never played little league or soccer as a kid? Igloo makes gigantic coolers for just that need, saving you thousands of dollars a year.