
Because ‘Merca! I don’t care how much money you’re trying to save me or helping keep my planet clean and healthy for my kids...Fuck you, libtard!

Because ‘Merca!

Because ‘Merca!

I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure out what works for you, what doesn’t, and how you can make slight changes for the betterment of yourself and America.

Wait! You been drinking from Satan’s cock, too!? That fucking asshole told me I was special!

OK, so “Hey 99% of America, stop drinking bottled water!”

Because ‘Merca!

Well if we stop people from bottling California water... then...that would still be banning....

Great reaction when someone gives you information to help you save money, save your health and save the planet for the rest of humanity.


Because ‘Merca!

“In some red states is not even safe to drink it.” The biggest problem facing America today is the lack of concern Red states have of their failing infrastructure.

Infrastructure isn’t the way to go? Spoken like a true patriot.

best ever.

So buy a reusable bottle and fill it up at the soda fountain with water. But hey, if you make so much money at your trucker job that you can throw away a few dollar a day on free water, then I have a few life altering things I can “sell” you as well.

WTF are you talking about? I’ve lived in LA for years and have used a Pur filter pitcher and the water here tastes amazing. I’ve never received any literature from the city that water is bad or tastes weird. My Pur water compared to Arrowhead is like a ray of sunshine from a unicorn rainbow. When I first moved back to

Well, the container IS the problem when you multiply it by 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 and leave it in a pile floating in the ocean or next to someone’s house.

Yeah, you’re full of shit.

You have candy and video games coming out of your faucets at home? WHere exactly do you live?

So buy...wait for it...2.