
I shared a link on that post to a study by the American Pediatric Society which studied over 700,000 children and proved vaccines don't cause autism. This was her response.

I'm having so much fun on that site right now.

The internet is a privilege, like driving. If you abuse that privilege, it should be taken away, like with drunk driving and losing your license. Sure, you can drive without a license, but if you get caught, tons of trouble. We should do that with people online. Simply take away their internet connection for a few

Yeah, here's a link for it.

Yeah, here's a link for it.

Have you tried dating sites and been explicitly clear in your profile of your needs and desire for an open relationship? I think if you're open and honest at the outset in a profile, it's the guys fault at that point.

Sorry, but number 4 is just plain stupid. Every time you decide to go through a green light, you are relinquishing control over the situation by "trusting" that the people at the intersection will stop at their red light and not run into you. This social agreement is what keeps society moving.

Champagne is sparkling wine. It's only called champagne because it's from the champagne region. Just like Bordeaux wine is from Bordeaux but made from whatever grapes each maker chooses to use. It could be 100% merlot grape and they'd still call it Bordeaux.

This might be good a year from now, but in it's present state, no where near usable.

This is useful, but does anyone know how to delete a word added to the dictionary? I mistakenly added "teh" by accident and it's the mistake I make a hundred times a day. Only now I don't always catch them.

I'm on Mavericks too and it doesn't appear on my computer either.

This would be wonderful if only I could setup my account with my iPhone. Currently, I use their free hosting (which is going away in the next few weeks, so get on it if you want it) to host my own email. Unfortunately, none of their posted settings work on mobile, only Desktop apps. Which means I have to forward my

You don't DESERVE a tip, you deserve a livable wage paid to you by your employer, not your customers. As a bartender going on 20 years now, I hate tipping and everything it stands for. It's a way for my boss to rake in a mill a year and not have to pay me or give me insurance. Blame your boss, not your customers.