
Man, you should stop typing. you're only making yourself sound sadder and sadder each post.

You are clueless. I worked for 20 different bars/restaurants/clubs in that time period and not one owner showed up more than once a week, and yes, they ALL drove a luxury brand car. Bars in America are cash cows and if you don't know that then you don't know the bar business.

None of your comments are true.

I've been a bartender for msdvnfvdfvfd years—let's just say a long long time. Why should you tip me for making a vodka soda and not the line cook who spent 10x's cooking your meal? Why should the bar be allowed to pay me below minimum wage (no longer allowed in Cali, thank god) and not the cook?

Best song ever.

Jesus, you have the ability to share inspiration with your readers. More of this please, less of the others stuff (you know what I'm talking about).

More depth of field is never a good thing for portraits, or action shots or pretty much anything other than landscape, so not sure what you're shooting. I'll not argue with you that YOU think more depth of field is a good thing. But you'll be hard pressed to find any professional who agrees with you.

Nobody? So you speak for every professional photographer out there? I care about Bokeh and I am somebody. Stop being afraid of speaking for yourself.

If you're going to throw in the 35mm equivalent focal length, make sure to convert the f/stop bokeh as well. It's definitely NOT a 2.8 when it comes to bokeh after that conversion.

Man, I would hate to live in your black and white hyperbolic world.

The hack was real. The North Korea bit isn't. As soon as it was thrown into the limelight, the conversation switched from how awful Sony Pictures is, to "oh poor Sony" and "we're America!". It's sad really, how easily people let the conversation be changed.

Exactly. But apparently that's too much "investigating" for 99.9% of America who are so easily duped into buying a ticket for this crap movie.

It's called Killing Bush. It was made by the English when Bush was in office.

That AMTV guy needs to get back on his meds.

You just said so yourself. The percentage has dropped drastically. A roll of film was 24 or 36, and your wife is shooting hundreds if not thousands of pictures for the same one of two you're putting up around the house.

Have you tried dating sites and been explicitly clear in your profile of your needs and desire for an open relationship? I think if you're open and honest at the outset in a profile, it's the guys fault at that point.

Maybe that's a good thing. Really, what's your wife going to do with 64GB of pics from one event? Buy a film camera. Those memories will actually get looked at and remembered.

Unfortunately we have zero options for real tech/nerd journalism now a days :(

That's a horrible way to do it. A slightly less irresponsible way would be to say, "This is the information we have at this time..." to let people know that absolutely no ground work has been done to verify what's being posting.

Newspaper editors are rolling over in their collective graves :(