Genial Black Man (trecoolx)

How’s the handling in pivoting that massive schnoz?

How much pull does Patrick George have with VW? Can he get the Scirocco to come to the U.S.?!

I guess he was damaged by the news.

“Of course they are!” Trump agreed. “When they’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you. Sean, that’s what it is.”

It’s too bad. I enjoyed the show, but the ratings were horrific.

I’m not a fan of being called “man,” “bro,” “brother,” or “brotha,” but that’s because it feels like a concerted effort by white dudes to not say the n-word.

Don Jr.’s got his father’s intelligence.

I hope people voting get confused when they don’t see Donald Rtump on the ballot and write that in.

Lonzo says the exploding ZO2s help explain why his play was uneven and inconsistent during the part of his career where he was wearing them, which leaves open the question of why his play has been uneven and inconsistent during all the other parts of his career


Wario is the opposite of Mario, right? Mario has nipples, so Wario shouldn’t have nipples.

I miss when Mazda would roll out yellow versions of their cars (sometimes first-gen versions?) like the Mazda6.

Some colors deserve to be left behind in their era; I’m not digging the return of ‘90s teal, for example. 

You never get over your first merger.

I’ll be disappointing if the Mega Man movie never gets made. I know it probably wouldn’t be good, but I’m all for the series getting more exposure. And maybe it could be bad-good like the first “Street Fighter” film.

Thank you for writing this article in particular. The hypocrisy in how black rom-coms — hell, black movies in general — are treated is worth exploring, as is the wealth of films that people may not know of.

Downstairs Neighbor(s) is something I’ve unfortunately heard.

But... she’s white!

I also take issue with his fetisization of black culture and dropping n-bombs.