Genial Black Man (trecoolx)

Maybe she needs another take to nail this.

Aside from the points people have made regarding Conan’s restructuring and digital content, Conan’s production company has made shows for TBS (e.g., “People of Earth”, “The Pete Holmes Show”) and other venues -- opportunities that might not have been available or plentiful had he stayed with NBC. 

It’s 2019; Don Cheadle can play the fictional wife role!

For whom does Dowd review movies? It’s an honest question.

I can’t wait for the oral history of this graphic and tweet.

Jalopnik has an international audience. Also, people like forbidden fruit.

Katherine’s face shows that she knows how this will end.

I’m only recently aware of the HALLOWED GRAY LADY™ pandering to conservatives and centrists thanks to Trump, but have their opinion pages always been so cringey? Have blowhards like Stephens been allowed to shit all over the rag?

The ego on people like him to think that the world revolves around them. 

Trump knows his brand.

Agreed. There are way too many innocent people in custody, and the fact that a white woman is the focus of the story is glaring.

I reckon it’ll be a market Blazer!

I’m all for people being disappointed in two countries.

Now playing

Guy coming out of a coma after 23 years!

John F. Kennedy Jr. is back from the dead, and he’s voting anti-vaxx!

Torn between “Quantum of Solace” and “Spectre”.

Kenan will outlive Lorne and everyone on that show.