
And Snake’s responses as follows.
At 0:09:
“Information Warfare?”

At 0:28
“The Translator Project?!”

Otacon: “Snake, watch out! It’s Mueller Time!”

Paul Eiding is just plain great.

See, as a white woman, when people “attack” white feminism, I don’t chirp up with “NOT ALL WHITE WOMEN” because that is not how me and my friends behave. I take the criticism to heart, hope that I’m doing my part to correct it among the people I know on my periphery, and keep on keeping on. On the other hand, I’m

I’m sorry you feel attacked, but if your generation is attacked it’s usually in comments sections rather than in articles by major publications, and by people who aren’t yet the majority of shakers-and-movers: politicians, editors, CEOs, etc. You can focus on your hurt feelings, or your can collect your own people who


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I know, right? Who would expect a glorified tech demo to come such a long way and actually develop a fanbase?

Any chance the US could replace the current one with this upgraded Disney version?

hooking Pharah out of the sky > hooking Tracer

Look, he’s sucked from the very second we found out he wouldn’t be voiced by Terry Crews

Too late! I’m all about Hanzo and Alexstrasza now.

I did but the PS2 game I got obsessed with was Zeonic Front. In general, I like stuff that really shows off mobile suits as comparable to tanks. Big, awesome rigs that you need to manage, command, and repair. Zeonic Front is basically Rainbow Six but you’re on the wrong side of a war and everything is going to shit.

My immediate thoughts as, apparently, not a fan:

BLIZZARD: Sir, Capcom has released a new character! She’s a sultry Egyptian woman, Sir!

They knew what they were doing when they made Yotsuyu...