
^ This. It doesn’t matter what he chooses to do in the long run. He gets out scott free. He can literally do nothing and be fine. He wins. The real question is will he do the right thing? Probably not. Blizzard will most likely have to force him out or just have to ride it out till it can salvage something from this

He is either A. So delusional that he seriously can’t tell what the problem really is (he has been the head for decades now) or B. He gives absolutely no shits about it and would rather the company just burn. Either of the these options doesn’t affect him in the least. He can just sit with his thumbs up his rear and

Man I really miss Battleborn.

Does yours?

I know? My point is that it is prevalent now more so than ever. We are on the same side.

It is LoL so yeah pretty big deal. Wouldn’t be surprised to see more dropping it after more stuff gets revealed or charged.

It has been here for sometime dude. Where have you been the past four years?

It certainly one of the better challenges to come out that doesn’t feel pointless. I prefer more silly stuff like this and Lego Bastion over edgy cool.

*Laughs in Nintendo* Enjoying your Skyward Sword at full price again? Personally I don’t care. And the D2 is pretty dope considering it is basically getting the Halo Combat Evolved treatment and who is working on it. (The guys who did the remake/remaster of Crash Bandicoot)

This I feel is the mindset and opinion of most conservatives and Republicans. They believe that any support or god forbid doing their job/responsibility that doesn’t benefit them in some way personally is supporting the boogeyman that is SOCIALISM.

Well I read somewhere that if this sells well they will probably add him in via dlc.

You seem to fail to understand Overwatch 2 is basically a free upgrade. The only thing you are paying for is the PVE story mode. Everything else is being phased in for free. Outside of the pve content which may actually be added to with future updates if you purchased OW2 the only things locked for those not

That isn’t the question of simply adding. Does the content actually exist beyond just the script/drafts/plan phase. If not you are telling me you want them to add new content from the ground up essentially. All the modders did in Cyberpunk was simply switch models with the Joytoys. 

Here is the catch though all companies, and any content creators, are compelled to protect their intellectual properties. If they don’t they may very well lose the rights on said properties. You would do the same naturally. They are obligated to do this so they protect their own asses.

Respect to them since they are one of the view that actually are still showing support.

Nope, I can’t stand Kaiden’s whiny passive aggressive butt. He always dies for me. Plus Ashley stat wise is both better and more useful in ME1 and ME3 for me.

This was announced around the same year of Beyond Good and Evil 2. I am still excited for both these titles. I am super thrilled that THQ took their time with this and that they were really quite about it (wish Cyber Punk got the same treatement).

As a few others have said that it is great to have these dates for the newer bigger titles it however feels kind of pointless if the vast majority of people still can’t get their hands on the actual system itself.

Here is a thought.. As others have mentioned if we do some how get the champions back via time travel this could also be an explanation on how Ganon is in BOTW2 even though we beat him and he technically couldn’t reincarnate any more. Or what I am thinking is since we destroyed Calamity Ganon we got the OG Ganon via

In short once again the unsuppressed minority (conservatives) gets to dictate what the progressive majority should do while acting like they themselves are the victims due to their old timeywhimy backass water views and the fear of their world changing as they lag behind.