

I think “creamed jeans” already speaks volumes.

Maaaan, you can’t have a lady bro.

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

Meh, already been done.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we get both The Scourge and The Successor. Both Doomfists, yet only The Successor actually wears the original.


This guy is the attitude-equivalent of Donald Trump for old video games.

How Dadaji Became a Feminist

My grandfather has always encouraged my independence. When I broke off an engagement with a man I know my

This is Silly Xcom.

I still think it’s a crime that the song from the intro still hasn’t been released as a single.

The restrictions were a bit overboard, though. Prop weapons of every sort were banned, not just the ones that looked realistic or could conceivably been used to hide a weapon. Cheap plastic light sabers, light-up nerf guns, foam swords like the Minecraft-branded ones; they were all banned, and halfway through the day

Protesting is EXACTLY the right thing to do. Because one nut job brings a gun, everyone has to pay the price? The prop ban is dumb as hell.

That new Genji skin, though... *fans self*

Physical pain? Hyperbole makes my eyes literally bleed.