
Ah yes the obligatory “I’m bothered by something so trivial I have to let everyone know while everyone else enjoys a good game.” post

No. She was designed by a mid-twenties year old boy... who happens to have the personality traits of a 12-year-old.

Yeah we’re a country of cultural appropriation, and that’s not a bad thing.

All those costumes would be great: Rheinhardt, Tracer, and Mercy in their actual Overwatch uniforms.

Now playing

More excited for the Strange Journey remake that also got announced!

Trump and the Reps spent weeks saying, “It’s the greatest healthcare plan ever. We don’t need the Dems to get it passed in congress” It Fails. Trump blames the Democrats. You can’t make this stuff up, smh.


I’m getting it, partly due to loving Mass Effect and partely because the multiplayer in 3 was something I sunk an completely unacceptable amount of time into. I have one friend in the UK who is for sure getting it and one locally who is going to try their damnest, so that’s two members of the squad I want to build

High hopes for Andromeda. And if it doesn’t pan out (which I don’t see happening) I got the Switch physical version of I Am Setsuna arriving this week.

It’s all post-EA. It started with this notion that Bioware was this perfect developer before EA came in and fucked everything up, and the thought process has since evolved into Bioware themselves fucking everything up while these people are still looking back at those perceived glory days.

I really don’t get the hate boner certain parts of the internet seems to have towards Bioware? It’s just mind boggling that people can hate a game developer that much. A developer that isn’t even bad. They make good games, sometimes great games. They never did anything to deserve the kind of ire they seem to attract.

This is still my favourite tbh.

Now ask ‘em if they have heard of Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku and be prepared for blank stares :)

And the official batteries of mom’s toys everywhere...

BotW is quite good on Wii U, and so far I’m not hitting any of the framerate issues reported by Switch users. Hope that’s helpful!

Or, you could get Horizon, Persona 5, ME: Andromeda, Dawn of War 3, Nier Automata (I already have Nier, thanks), Dead Rising 4 (On Steam finally), and (as you mentioned) get it on the Wii U, since if you bought a Switch (and actually got one), you probably already have a Wii U for previous Nintendo games.

Do you remember when Capcom was awesome? Pepperidge Farms remembers.