
No one really took Pizzagate seriously until it got some nice new clothes with “Q” so I don’t know what you are talking about. Trump is the problem because he validated “Q” with his backhanded remarks. You see Trump has this real problem with giving validation to people and concepts that really don’t deserve it only

The only reason these conspiracies were accepted is because we have a leader who is pushing them as an excuse to not take any responsibility. Not accepting responsibility is the core to all conspiracies. Conspiracies are just excuses and justifications to not accept the reality of one’s situation that maybe they themse

Better the devil you know right?

But it isn’t new! None of the current conspiracies are new. Everything about “Q” is just old rehashed stuff that has been around for decades now. 

Man the OG Clash of the Titans was a real gift.

The funny thing (no the hilarious thing!) is that if Trump some how got Covid, and I mean got it really bad to the point where it is affecting him physically, all this madness would change over night. It is really sad that we live in a time where unless something has an immediate effect on your life there is no

Good ole’ steam reviews they always make me cry from laughter reading them.


Well here is a big reason: Other players. Even in non-team rounds you have to rely on people not interfering with you or in rare cases helping you. Most of the time it can be avoided by staying away but in other games it is unavoidable.

Either way it has a very classic old antagonistic feel to it.

There is a special place in hell for these type of people.

I thought this guy was dead. Why any sane person would do anything with this guy at this point is beyond me. He might as well be the Crypt Keeper.

It shouldn’t be this way at all. Scalpers man.... 

If you can get a hold of a switch unless you are okay with paying over 2x the market asking price.

Probably to people asking for another P3 FES situation but for P4.

If I remember correctly the game had multiple faction guilds that you could join that each had entire plot sections dedicated to them some of which expanded for a good length of game time. (A few of them were pretty good in terms of story) The only downside is that the game also had two major dlcs that if you did

The best thing about this is that pretty much everything is on the table at this point for future content. They cage mechanic fixes a lot of issues that future oddly shaped/sized killers may have. (They would just have to make a version of that said mechanic for them) Heck since now video game characters can now be

From what I can tell this dlc has nods from 1 and 2 I believe as well.

Now playing

Soon it will come and it will be that time again...

Of course she admitted it she had nothing to lose at that point. This is the equivalent of a Nazi revealing themselves on their deathbed. The deed has been done and yet they got away with it. It really sucks that this shit goes by while others suffer.