
Did you ever play Warcraft 3? There is a pretty good reason why a good chunk of them left the Alliance. (They were just High-Elves back then) Basically the Alliance Humans threw them to the invading mass scourge as they ran away. That and they pretty much lost their main source of power, the Sunwell, to said scourge.

Here is the thing we know for a fact that Trump is one several times over. The problem with Biden’s case is that the timing of the accusations are all a little too convenient. One is confirmed and has admitted (as well as lied) to assaults, while being proud of them, and the other not so but comes off as really creepy.

It has a lot to do with his mother. His mother despises him and has no problem calling him an idiot and a mistake. No one in his direct family likes him. He is a failure in all aspects outside of his money his daddy gave him. Trump is not really all that rich, if at all really. (The loans and banks are what keeps him

He needs to tread lightly. Acting or not he could actually get in deep shit if he continues this act. I don’t know why he continues to push boundaries in this regard. This isn’t something to joke about either.

I can’t see them not remaking Chrono Trigger or one of the older Dragon Quest games in the future.

You literally missed the point. Completely missed it. The point is one is completely controllable and a man made problem while the other is not. They are different and have very FEW similarities at all. How do you not understand that I don’t know. It is not that hard. Here is an example it took one ONE mass shooting

Japan and Australia say hello.

Actually it is. California is the leading example of this and so is China. California has lowered the curve. Don’t know where you live but California got on this mighty quick as opposed to a number of other states who are still not practicing at all or just started to. *cough* FLORIDA *cough*

Please do not compare and apply the two together. These are two separate and completely different things. There are more than enough valid and proven methods to solving the gun issue while the virus has little beyond isolation. (Also using the old and young is very bad when people from all backgrounds and ages have

I would love to get this for my gf and I especially now, but as others have said you can’t find the damn thing anywhere except online being gouged to hell and back. Heck at this point I am glad to even have my hands on a normal Switch.

They know how popular both of those titles are. And if the actual remastering of FF8 is anything to go by I think we may actually get at the very least a DQ8 3ds treatment. Trials of Mana is a good indicator too. Heck if I recall DQ9 is getting remade too I believe.

It is but when has he or GOP cared about stuff like that lately? Also he has done this a number of times now. Pretty much unless someone really takes him to task about this both tweets will just be on file/record.

I can’t remember what E3 or what event exactly but I do recall Square mentioning that they are going through their catalog of games again to make them relevant again. I still want a remake of Chrono Trigger.

You seem to forget that FF14 exists and that Shadowbringers is an actual thing that is widely accept by the FF community. You bring up 11 but completely overlook 14.

Best on going game is Fortnite ? Dafuq?!?

You let one person do it without some form of discipline everyone starts doing it. How is it funny? It is really basic. 

There are only two options: take away the punishment completely or stay the course. They choose the latter. You want people screaming MAGA in the streams or promoting racist or completely false propaganda during official events/streams? The only thing I have problem with this entire thing was the broadcasters being

Yes and in the process having to figure out if they can or not commute. If they can’t then they have to move most likely, where to move, how much the move will cost. There is so much wrong with this post I don’t even know if I should type anything more out for this. They can not just “easily work elsewhere”.

Besides backpedaling, which they shouldn’t since this would bring more political statements some of which would be really bad, this is the next best option unfortunately.

At this point they have too. They are all in and will most likely not fold until the numbers (money/viewship) tell them otherwise. The best thing is to keep this going and to not let them forget.