
The dark side of capitalism. Wouldn’t it be safer to do this outside of an official event? The problem here is the usage of official streaming/recorded events. I guess things would get even crazier is all teams push this. You think Blizzard would risk suspensions for all teams?

Because the controversy going on as of right now. Kotaku literally released three articles yesterday (including this one) that were reeking of agenda. Reminder that the whole thing started with Hearthstone not Overwatch. Yes, it is Blizzard but two separate teams and pulling those who have zero involvement into this

I ran a round of Junkenstein this morning and had zero issues on a wifi connection. Had zero issues. The problem I have with this article is that game looks and plays just fine. I wasn’t experiencing any lag whatsoever. Unless your internet is dial up it should run just fine.

Pardon the typo: “none of us would”.

Something will probably happen but nothing as extreme as you may think. This is a company issue not a government one. If anything extreme does happen it would be behind closed doors and none of us have would be aware of it.

Well telling me to that is not going to do anything other than make you more frustrated. You seem mad over a normal conversation. I can give you a link to my initial response to the event article if you like? I see you were pretty active in that as well. 

No my concern is for the voice actors, employees, volunteers, and security who have zero involvement with this whole thing. Good day.

Thanks? And no I just know that the majority of people complaining are not really honestly complaining for a reason other than to pat themselves on the back for their own good deed of the day. 

No just pointing out the obvious with the event article and this article being posted within a curiously convenient time frame.

Because I know what I do won’t really come to anything. I am a realist and actually care about the people who have zero involvement getting pulled into the internet’s newest hate boner. The Nintendo event article proving just that.

If you are this mad about this you need to be just as mad at Facebook, Google, and YouTube for the exact same reason. 

Not a bot and they don’t really need my help just like how this outrage won’t contribute to anything in the long run.

Not really.

Ok. Morning to you too. Thanks for proving my point about outrage.

I don’t approve of the initial response of Blizzard but this article screams agenda. The outrage is a bit tiresome. 

How? The majority of people working at this event wouldn’t even be involved with Blizzard in the first place. This is a safety concern as well for the employees and the security personnel. The problem with these kinds of protests is that the protesters tend to get those who have little to no involvement with the

Trump probably lets him get some on the sly. Paying for it that is.. 

His own parents asked the same thing. His own family doesn’t even like him. 

How about no? I am really sick and tired of being on the side that is constantly told to be held to a higher standard/wear the kid gloves when the opposing side just doesn’t give a flying fuck. Also it pisses him off because he knows there is truth to it. And unlike Trump Mitch actually feels shame.

This is a healer main’s dream!