
Yeah I have a bad feeling that this game is getting really overshadowed. 

This is the whole ironic thing is that for pushing/forcing this issue it is only going to be hurting them more so in the long run. Funny how when governments bulldoze through a policy/law/bill they only realize afterward that it will only be hurting their supporters mainly.

Now playing

Looking forward to Greedfall’s release next month. I am getting some nice colonial dragon age vibes from it.

Sad is the day that we as a country miss Nixon and Bush as Presidents.

Japan be weird like that.

I think this is the game’s story going full circle. The WoDs warned of this thing happening that if you take out the darkness the light will overwhelm everything. It would be great to see the WoDs make a cameo be like “we told you”. Also I think its funny that WoW is kind of doing the same thing with the alternate

You realize that Kelly is a racist asshole right? Granted he is a mature racist asshole with a brain but still a racist asshole. Also Kelly hasn’t really been doing jack anyway and has all but given up doing anything.

Not the books I’m worried about but okay. (I understand it’s a major problem still though) Anyone that knows how to look shit up or you know go to a library.

Texas is purple as hell right now. It is no longer the pure red state people believe it to be and will probably go blue in a few years especially if Trump continues being... well Trump.. 

Well I have a feeling since her title in the Junkenstein event is “Spirit” she might get some kind of ghost skin in the future.

Let us be fair Trump is going to be in the history books as a warning of corruption and as something to be avoided. Remember it is not Trump’s base that makes the history books. (Thank God)

Well the system, like the classic systems before it, will probably get cracked so there is that.

It is not about the truth, facts, or lies. For Trump it is all about winning and losing. You have to look at everything Trump says from his perspective of how it benefits him or not. The caravan was his talking point that caused his approval ratings to up to at least 48% (the highest it has been in a while). Then

I ran through all the emotes with each one and highlights and I thought that was a nice touch. I love the little things they change with skins that work with emotes and highlights.

Briggy works because of her knight skins. Tracer still doesn’t have a Halloween skin which is very WEEEEIRD all things considered since she is the mascot and I think hands down Blizzards favorite of them all. 

More like the vast majority of the Republican party at this point.

Here is the thing though he is tainted now. And no one is going to take anything he says without having a huge microscope and an eye of scrutiny for every little detail. He won’t dare touch Roe V Wade, gay marriage, and or any progressive actions at this point or possibly his entire service.

NOO!!!! I so wanted to play Wolf Among Us Season 2 and see a possible Tales from The Borderlands Season 2! Damnit! It was their lesser hyped series that made me love them so much.

Ah crap. Well if it is anything like the Nes/Snes classics I imagine we will see some compatible controllers/add-ons that make this possible. Kind of throws a wrench in my emulation plans once this is cracked at least until what I said happens.

And looking very forward to someone cracking this just like they did with the Nes/Snes classic(s). Perfect emulation machines.