
Its not but it suffers from pretty much what all current open world games suffer from that being having to compensate for constant background loading, an extreme number of a.i. path codes, and scripting. 

Never really got to play the game since I have been holding off on making a gaming rig. Kind of regret not trying this out now. So much potential such bad timing.

I meant as it was not as it is currently. The writers/artist of that day not of the now.

Talon still doesn’t have a tank character. Wouldn’t it be cool if D.MON betrayed MEKA and joined Talon? Just sayin’...

Wouldn’t that be wicked if they actually partnered up with these guys? A juggernaut from the past with one from today.

The Switch is easily becoming the best nostalgia machine out there for gamers.

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was released so I am not too concerned about this delay since we are getting something out of these delays. These guys are clearly not just sitting on their hands.

Hell hearthstone would be great too.

As long as WoW exist there will never be a WC4. We are more likely to get either WC3 remastering or WoW2 over a WC4.

Not really since these games have been remade/remastered rather recently. You seem to forget that the PSP was a thing and that both P1 and P2 were re-released on both.

I feel like they forget the series existed before P3 though at times.

And here I am thinking that the Alliance also has a borderline crazy Windrunner on their side too *cough* Alleria! Hearing the voices of the void in her head telling her to kill people! *cough* who also happens to be a leader of an ostracized race too! In short elves be damn crazy!

Trump has said far worse and done a lot worse. We have a president who makes these jokes look like child’s play.

Doesn’t make it moral in anyway still. And yes even in history there were those that went above this behavior constantly. 

Like really this is beyond stupid. Seriously why do people do this? It is being cruel for the sake of being cruel at this point. This isn’t human behavior it is mentally, morally, and spiritually wrong that people go out of their way to do this shit to someone else. Like is there an honest reason why these people were

Cano-Broly! Broly 2.0! Omega-Broly! Broly-OReal! Mecha-Broly! Alpha-Broly! I’M A REAL BOY-BROLY!

I figured as such.  Thanks.

I have the demo but I haven’t touched it since I now figured I want to go in completely fresh. So how do you suggest to avoid the level scaling? Can you simply just start a new game for each of the 8 then recruit them after you have done them all or something? Sorry I just don’t understand how the game works exactly.

Well considering Studio Trigger has been consistently been knocking out of the park I wouldn’t say it isn’t too late. Hell I bet you would buy a Gurren lagann game if it were released. (Shit I would.)

I am not sure what type of game this is. Is it a beat’em up 3d fighter ala Ultimate Ninja Storm? And what if it switches styles like for boss fights and goes to different style of gameplay when it isn’t a main protagonist/antagonist. This trailer gave more questions than answers but hey its Kill la Kill so I am