
Bioshock’s 2 good ending (via saving all little sisters and not killing any of the main cast) had me feel very sad. Farcy 5 was like a “well shit..” moment. Dragon Age: Origins was a relief moment (at least with my ending) like completing the trip to Mt. Doom in LOTR. Telltale Walking Dead season 1 was just so sad.

I just hope they don’t forget about the main objective of the protagonist which was take over everything and finding out what the hell happened to him and his guildmates.

How are they going to top this rolling death ball of cuteness? The only thing that can possibly get me even more hyped now is Jetpack Cat. (That or Athena/A.I. God programs and or Maximilien)

Overwatch porn is about to get a whole lot weirder...

No not really since this opens the possibility of getting JC even further. Heck we could get a dog sometime in the future even. Nothing is off the table now folks.

That ain’t soldier. Needs to reload and can be eaten/absorbed and is actually pretty slow in terms of burst and dps.

Soldier needs some help right now too. Its funny how a large majority of characters using medieval/olden styled weapons out-power a super soldier.

You forgot to add are also interested in only white women. Shit..

This poor kid. His life is just gone all because he got railroaded and is just not too bright. I can’t say Avery did or didn’t do anything but I am pretty damn sure this kid is completely innocent and just had the unfortunate luck of being related to Avery.

Is it weird that a lot of these women calling the police/making a scene all look alike? (That and or have a similar style and being roughly around the same age)

X-men, LOTR, GoT, Marvel/DC anything, Star Trek, and the list goes on and on and on and on.. Yeah pretty much almost anything fits with the style.

FF14 on the Switch... Welp they have DQ10 so its not like this is new territory for them. However, I don’t want to have a situation that we did with last gen where they were holding back updates to the game as a whole due to their power.

No A.I. companions either so the whole squadie/companion thing not going to happen which is weird. Squadies/companions are pretty much what Bioware does best. Going to miss not having my bio-engineered super soldier lizard man/very flamboyant fun mage making quips with my character.

For me Bioware games have been about to two major things the journey and the characters. The overall plot is icing on top of the cake for me. This seems to have none of those at all. Looks like we have to rely on CDPR to pick up the slack that Bioware has dropped. Sad times. (Was hoping they would at least talk about

This is not true. The original trailer/gameplay swapped between first and third and you did get to see the female playable character’s face before she closed her helmet.

I get this same feeling from not having WoW being ported to consoles as well. There is zero reason for them not to be playable on PS4 or Xbone especially since you can connect almost any mouse and keyboard easily. (Maybe the leak is right about the PS4 version?)

I was about to say that I agree with you. I wasn’t sure what you were disagreeing with.

Oh so you are saying that they just want to be acknowledged by said streamer/recorder. Still seems like a lot more work than the alternative of just doing it yourself.

Like if they want this attention so bad why not record/stream themselves?

His shit eating smile just makes me want put my fist through whatever his face is on. I don’t feel bad about any of the death threats he has received towards himself or his family. He brought this all on himself like every other trump stooge.