
She can hop worlds/dimensions so this works surprisingly.

Good. This guy is one of the reasons why X hasn’t (and probably never will at this point) made it state side. (Which is really weird considering its a modern day FF11 with a Dragon Quest skin) Besides FF14 and Kingdom Hearts (along with Nier) I really don’t like a lot of the heads at Square Enix right now. (I mean

What is the really sad thing about a lot of games recently is that they are failing in one particular area more so than any other and that is marketing. Outside of the gaming circles there are a lot of games that just don’t get much push into the public eye.

The card system is pretty much the main reason I stopped playing. I am not going to relearn the game three plus times.

There is a modding app tool that is relatively straight forward and guides you through the process. (Didn’t lose any progress either) Google/YouTube it. Can’t say much more than that.

There is a modding app tool that is relatively straight forward and guides you through the process. (Didn’t lose any

Wish people stop treating OW like an MMO and applying MMO mechanics/concepts/ideas to it. It is a TEAM BASED SHOOTER above all things.

It goes along with his ever needed inflating ego. The whole bigger is better thing along with overcompensating for his lack of a penis.

You never read something and come back to it later with new thoughts? Also why do you care?

Everything else here is great except the Cammy. Everything about this rendition is just off in the creepiest ways.

The whole killing chaos bit also fits along with killing innocent bystanders just for the laughs! HAHA!!!

And Doomhammer along with Ashbringer.

Now playing

Far Cry’s version of the Monty Python running gag.

Oh fuck off.

Remember it was Nintendo not Square that brought DQ7-8 3Ds versions here to the states so we need to be patient and or possibly make our request known to Nintendo like people did for DQ7!

Even though I plan on replacing my old ass laptop I am still pissed at the forced updates. And I love how the longest time the updates kept trying to sneak their way back on afterwards. I just love having to go through system configurations menus to find that one freaken file that tries to reinstall itself time and

I just noticed my error but in a way it works. Not changing it!


The pull is for warriors unfortunately.

And God “The Maker” did leave his seat. So everyone was at least partially right I guess?

Yep sadly it is one of those rare instances where the assumptions were right? Elves were dicks. (Isn’t that how it normally though? LOTR, Warhammer, and ect...)