Genevieve Koski

Trust me, I easily could have made this list all Bobby episodes. I had all of these on my original list, but had to make cuts to evenly represent the show. In the end, I couldn't NOT include Bobby eating a 72-ounce spite steak. I just couldn't.

Saying "it's a grower" is maybe the most cliche music criticism ever, but… it's kind of a grower! Since writing this review, I'd probably upgrade it to a B+, which is the same grade I originally gave BBC (which I'd now probably call a straight-up A). So make of that what you will.

Not speaking for anyone else, but I'm still planning to contribute to the site as a freelancer as my schedule allows. So I'll definitely be finishing out Americans and TV Roundtable and some other things. I'm definitely not gone from the site, just contributing to it in a different capacity.

Second. Love Lincoln/Bane.

Part of me wondered if the puppet thing was a tie-in to that horrible-looking new Logo show, Felt, with puppets standing in for real people in real therapy sessions. Commercials for it ran during this episode. It seems a little too perfect to be coincidental…

@avclub-330e1ecc0a25a73f7a255cc57f8129b7:disqus Oh, for sure. FOR. SURE.

Roxxxy also said on Twitter that she didn't remember being that mean, and actually apologized for her behavior: "GOD I WAS A BITCCCCCCH TONIGHT! I don't Remember that but I do apologize that was so ugly !"

Not Optional stuff doesn't have to be new, FYI; it's noteworthy because it just returned for a new "season" along with the show. I think I make it clear in the blurb that they've been doing it for a long time, but for anyone reading this comment who's curious, it's well worth going back through the archives as well.

For a genre that's only been around for two decades, yeah, it does.

(spoilers I guess?)
Not referring to that incident, but the one at the very beginning of the story, where Nymeria chomps on Joffrey's arm when he's messing with Arya and the butcher's boy.

Tell that to Chicago.

True story: When I was 16 I worked customer service at Office Max, and I had to do the "the store is closing in 10 minutes" announcement over the PA, which I often did using funny voices because I was bored and obnoxious. My two favorite voices to do the announcement in were Stacy and Tiffany. (Tiffany tended to take

Technically, it would be like Others need dragonglass, but I altered the simile so it would be familiar to people who only watched the TV show. Ahem.

Things that are red-velvet "flavored" usually have a cream-cheese component as well, because of the frosting.

@avclub-495197e3cba1ed3c94dbc07d1abed4b2:disqus We did! That and My Beautiful Laundrette, and probably some others I'm forgetting because it was 8 years ago.

It was actually a literature course focusing on postmodernist British lit, so we read stuff like JG Ballard and Martin Amis and the like. But the professor included a four-CD musical accompaniment to all the books, and we talked a lot about the crossover between media. It was actually a really great course.