Genevieve Koski

Don't forget Tati's Britney Spears, which was surprisingly excellent, not just because it was Britney, but also because it was Tati.

I already have it in my notes for next week!

Yeah, I guess I wasn't clear in what I was trying to point out there. I like thinking that it secretly guts Phillip a little that his son is into a sport that's so Soviet-identified, presumably because of the U.S. beating the Soviets. Whether or not it's intentional on the writers' part, it adds a neat bit of shading

Looks like I'm reading the original translation, by Constance Garnett. It was the free version available in the Kindle store. Considering I have absolutely nothing to compare it to, it seems pretty okay!

Can someone clarify for me whether being trans is considered taboo in drag? I have a vague notion that I've heard that it is, but I can't recall where or why exactly—something having to do with "performing" vs. "passing"—but the way everyone reacted to Monica, like she was doing something very brave, made me wonder. I

I'd be in favor of an Undercover that was just 25 bands doing different versions of "He Loves U Not."

I've listened to Same Love, and I say specifically in the blurb that "Thrift Shop" isn't really representative of the rest of his stuff. I don't think calling this one song somewhat silly is dismissing Macklemore as an artist. We're going on a song-by-song basis here.

My roommate has been playing it on pretty much a continuous loop for the past week, so I've heard it probably 50 times since writing this. The fact that I'm nowhere near sick of it makes me think I should have given it at least an A-.

I've never seen Felicity. My affection for Russell begins and ends with the movie Waitress.

See above re: mom jeans.

Comments are one thing; Twitter replies and Facebook messages, which I still get on pretty much a weekly basis, cross the line.

I could delete you, but I won't, because I want everyone to see how obnoxious you are.

What a waste of "Party In The USA." Did anyone see on Twitter, Ru said they recorded a version of the song that changed it to "And a RuPaul song was on," but they couldn't get clearance? I'm going to sing it that way forever in its honor.

You know who you are.

I wrote this fully aware that 99 percent of you commenters would hate it, but I don't care, it makes me cackle uncontrollably. And I'm fine with that.

I'm sort of kicking myself for not including it now, because the Dan and Darlene thing in particular is amazing. But I only wanted to pick one of those "heavy" episodes, as well as a later-period one, so I went with "Lies." But yeah, I love that episode.

That was Noel's excellent Very Special Episode on "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home," which is linked in the final graf.

Yeah, that's "Like A Virgin" which is in the next 10. I originally had it on my main list, because it's really great, but had to make room for other stuff. Definitely top 10 in my heart, though.

Swoon indeed. I figured since my middle name is Marian, it was meant to be.

Ugh, yeah, I know, symptom of our editing/publishing schedule. FWIW, I wrote it last Thursday!