Genevieve Koski

Not sure where you're located, but this list of "safe spaces" for female and minority comics readers is really useful, and pretty regularly updated: http://haterfreewednesdays….

Yeah, I wanted to bring up Neptune and Uranus, but by the time they had made their appearance on the American version, I had stopped watching the American version, so I was only ever really familiar with their original iterations. Like I said, I wanted to bring it up, but it seemed like too big a thing to make an

AVC has been doing Crosstalks since 2006, before there even was a TV Club. Or a comments section. So, yeah, this is nothing new, guys.

That was Todd, not me. Don't worry, I still think you're a good person.

Yeah, that was just a flub on my part, sorry. Should be fixed.

Ahh, yes, of course, I knew that. Thanks for clarifying!

FYI, for Roundtable we try to cover episodes that haven't been covered in TV Club, and TV Club started covering Drag Race regularly with Season 4. So I was looking at the first three seasons only. (And, frankly, not looking for something that was welcoming to newbies, as I explain.)

That was confusingly worded on my part. Rob died in the pilot, his secret wife and baby were "taken care of" in the third episode.

For what it's worth, I loved the last two Most Obnoxious Guest outings (and put the one from this January on our Best Of Podcasts this year), but I cannot STAND Kreischer. I get what he's going for, but it absolutely does not work for me, and this one was a pain to listen to. Your mileage obviously may vary, but I

It's a ginger-snap crumb crust. I've never done it before, so it's kind of a crap-shoot, but it's a hell of a lot easier than a traditional pie crust, at least.

It's also an herb dryer!

In college, I fell asleep almost every night to the late-night Good Eats block that ran from, I think, 1-2 a.m. I think I absorbed more useful, everyday knowledge from that experience than from any actual class I took in college.

I am making green-bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving, all from Brown's recipes. Yes, I'm even using real pumpkins. This is the sickness this show has given me.

Oliver and I debated the "15 votes" thing as well. I think, given that there are three judges and eight choreographers tonight (well, nine if you count Tabatha and Napoleon separately), it indicates that some producers have input as well. It kinda makes sense: The judges and choreographers only see the contestants for

Laaaaadybird… Laaaaaadybird….

The theme song was pretty great.

Actually, if you go way back in the archives, the last three seasons were reviewed as part of the Fox Sunday-night animation block, first by myself, then by Steve Heisler. That said, I'd love to go back and cover the series from the start one day.

It's an anecdote used as a lede, not "cribbing my opinion." For my opinion, try reading the 1800 words that come after that graf!

You know, a few weeks ago I tweeted something about how KOTH does not get quoted nearly as much as it deserves, and someone started arguing with me that it was not a quotable show beyond "The boy ain't right." Thank you all for helping me prove him wrong.