Genevieve Koski

Record assignments typically go to writers who are familiar with the artist, because they're more likely to understand/appreciate what the record is going for than someone who knows nothing about the artist. That doesn't mean they blindly give good reviews of those albums. I've been gushing about Robyn all year

No, because then I'd have to listen to the album.

Sorry, Sean, but you've got me beat as the AVC's resident Fred expert. I believe you have 3 Fred columns to my one at this point, yes? The numbers don't lie, O'Neal.

This comes up every A.V. Talk. It's a podcast, not an article. Transcribing it would be missing the point entirely. If people are able to listen to it at work, great, but you can also download it from iTunes and listen to it later, which is what I'm assuming most people do. There's plenty of written content on this

Ooooh yeah, you're probably right, Tasha. Well, I cried at that part and I'm 27, so going by that, anyone under the age of 28 will be scarred.

Ooh, that's a lot of pressure, NPH. I don't want to be responsible for causing any youths to be scarred. But I'd say if they were okay with the ending of the last movie, they should be okay with this.

I actually brought up this point in the podcast that goes up tomorrow. The first time reading through Book 7, I was annoyed with the endless camping, but on rereads I agree it's much better than it seemed the first time through. I think once you know where it's all leading, it's easier to appreciate all the setup (and

I saw this with Tasha and, unsurprisingly given my fandom, had a much higher opinion of it. There is a good number of action sequences—five by my count—breaking up the moping. And really, the series has been pretty mopey since the fifth book/movie, so I saw it as being true to the material. We'll discuss it in greater

It depends what we're drinking. I'm pretty sure Hyden and his Wisconsin-bred liver could out-beer me, but if it's vodka… well, I think that "ski" on the end of my name speaks for itself.

Actually, she's been doing that for a long time. There was a "controversy" a while back because she was doing it without saying they were ads… now Twitter makes her and other celebrities who do it, like Lindsay Lohan, go through a Twitter ad program that marks sponsored tweets. But yeah, there was a big to-do that Kim

Yeah, basically the problem I kept running into with TT was timeliness…. something really cool would show up on Monday morning, then I'd have to sit on it for four days, by which point it was old news. The Internet moves too fast for a weekly column. I'm actually really happy about this development, as I think it's a

I don't think the concept was anti-Tea Party… I think it was political satire. So those examples seemed a lot more on point than "Give me some chocolate or I will cut you."

If you click the link, you'll see that the "kill switch" is used in the context of cyber-terrorism, or when hackers infiltrate sites with sensitive information. It's not really meant to be a censoring tool at all. I just jokingly used that as the conceit for this article.

See, I think Rihanna is a better vocalist because she can be quiet… Gaga can belt, but she ONLY belts. It's fine for her, because she's all about the drama, but I like how Rihanna can just sit back and vamp a little. Maybe she's not a better singer in the technical, vocal-range sense, but I find her vocals more

Or did THEY steal the idea from ME? This was a few years back. And I had been wanting to do a Troll costume for several years at that point. AA was an enabler, but not the inspiration.

Keith said this to me once, and I think it's really accurate: Because of the way it's filmed and the dialogue, it's easy to get tricked into thinking FNL is "realistic," but when you look at it from a plot perspective, it's really more soap-y. Looking at it that way makes it a lot easier to deal with stuff like

I should have been more specific… the class comprised only teen mothers, it wasn't teaching parenting. Really, it seemed like more of a support group for teen mothers than a class.

Sorry about that… was going off an article that said he was Japanese. Fact-checking fail.

I think calling a meme "temporary" has more to do with how much time we spend interacting with a meme individually, rather than as a culture. Like, I don't get hours of enjoyment from Sad Keanu; I get seconds, if that. I could conceivably keep returning to that meme for years and get seconds of distraction from it