Genevieve Koski

Nope, I meant portentous. It's an album all about cancer, after all. It's ALSO kinda pretentious, but MCR is always kinda pretentious, so it's not really notable.

Oh really? I assumed some of that was from the final showdown between Harry and Voldemort. Good to know, I'll correct.

I actually like Dobby quite a bit in the books, particularly the final one. But he's always really annoying in the movies. Considering one of the final book's most affecting moments revolves around him, I hope he's better this time around.

Why do we sing of its fame? Because we like saying its name!

She performed on the show last night, actually (a weird anomaly that you can read about here: http://www.huffingtonpost.c…, and now LUNGS is No. 2 on iTunes. So looks like the secret's out.

That's because it's new. It'll be a weekly recurring feature, and based on your interest level in Internet culture, it's probably not for you (and that's totally fine).

People mail stuff in all the time… I believe the pig ears we tried came from a reader in Louisiana. If you send us disgusting/weird crap to taste, we will happily oblige.

I think both Donna and I have acknowledged our turnaround on Lauren. I had a similar turnaround on Legacy last season… and Kayla the season before that. I don't think it's a rare or bad thing to change one's opinion on a dancer as the season progresses. It's kind of what the whole show is predicated on. Dancers grow,


Donna and I alternate performance and results show writeups, but due to vacations and such we had to do a little shuffling and I ended up covering the last three performance shows. But we're back on track now, and I'll be writing up tonight's results. And now you know!

Ah shoot, it's been close to a year, I'll bite: I never even came close to saying I hated Ghostbusters, just that it didn't live up to the hype for me. But I guess the myth of the Ghostbusters-hater is more fun than the reality of the Ghostbusters-shrugger.

Sheesh, haven't you ever seen a pair of cheap, poorly made jeans before?

CheeseGimp, who's your teacher at Old Town? I took banjo lessons there for a coupla years (guess I'm That Girl), and I'm curious if I had the same instructor. I also was at that Ravinia show, so I guess we're like, the same person.

Fair enough. I'm just going off her dancing, which at this point has left me cold. But I'm more than happy to be proven wrong by her or any of these contestants.

Yeah, this was the final day of the expo, so there was a definite free-for-all mentality (and likely some fatigue on the parts of the reps, who were probably sick of indulging moochers like us). In the last hour or so, everyone just defaulted to "gimme what ya got" mode as all the booths were getting packed up.

Look in the lower left-hand corner of the main photo.

Weird, when I initially read that in the liveblog it made it sound like he had to switch over to wi-fi because the network wasn't working, but it's clear that was just my kneejerk AT&T hate blinding me. I shall strike that bit.

The qualifiers we had for this were that it had to be their actual FIRST meeting (which actually negated a bunch), it had to be coincidental (no fight scenes that lead to love, for example), and they had to be in mortal peril. As always, we're not claiming this list is comprehensive, but we did exclude a bunch based

Adolph, I've been championing a "Tastes Of Home"-themed, regional specialty Taste Test just so that I can make everyone try Rock And Rye. I love that stuff. What is it supposed to taste like? Deliciousness, that's what.

Sorry 'bout that, this was written under the assumption that you've watched the episode via the streaming link above. I'll add a spoiler alert to make that more explicit.