
I was there too and want to add how he played like an hour past his time and got fined like a million dollars because he didn’t give one fuck.

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

In the event of a flying over a funeral procession, be sure to put YOUR plastic bag on, before you put on your children’s. It’s just common sense.

I really think the social and political tide is turning against Haredi men and their families, as well it fucking should. This is a group of people that does not pay taxes, lives off the dole, is excused from military service, breeds like Quiverfull hicks, and throws an enormous fucking tantrum every few seconds over

Asking a woman who paid for her seat to move because it doesn’t coincide with your religious belief isn’t like not selling a cake to gay couple, it’s worse. At least the baker is screwing over his own business and losing money. This guy is forcing someone else who paid for her seat to move only for his personal

My favorite has always been the “shabbos goy.” Because God will be mad if you flip a light switch, but he won’t be mad if you get someone else to flip a light switch for you, because reasons.

Just want to say I disagree with the commenter who said you were being judgmental. The actions you’re discussing are sooooo over the top silly, and the fact that they stem from sincerely held religious beliefs does not make them any less silly, in my opinion.

I disagree. Just b/c these people’s extremely silly actions are tied to religion, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make fun of them.

I appreciate you taking the time to write out that explanation, but it makes all the work-arounds seem even sillier to me. Not that I think Judaism is sillier than other religions. I’m an atheist, so religions are different flavors of silliness IMO.

The irony of observing ancient tradition in an airplane

And the interior walls are plastic. And the seats have pastic. And the carpet probably does too. Couldn’t he have just worn a polyester onesie and a construction helmet?

People who are strict adherents to anything to the point of making other peoples lives hell are the worst.

This is what I’m not understanding here - why wasn’t he moved? Surely someone would have swapped, right? I travel pretty frequently, and have been reseated due to allergies on occasion. I fully understand that it’s a me problem, not a them problem, so I would never ask for someone else to be moved as a result. I know

You are not ignoring a customer’s religious beliefs by making him move. You are accommodating his beliefs by accepting that he doesn’t want to sit next to the other customer. The only difference is that HE moves, not the woman.

The problem is that sometimes accommodating sincerely held religious beliefs infringes on other people’s rights. As the old adage goes, your rights end where mine begin. It’s completely unreasonable, in this day and age where we are so connected globally, to expect that everywhere you go is going to cater to your

Nah, it IS easy, we just make it complicated because we start from the position that everyone’s beliefs are inherently worthy of being respected.

They aren’t. I don’t care if that makes me sound uncaring. But it’s the 21st goddamn century and this superstitious bullshit and the kowtowing we do for it has got to fucking

I actually thought that the answer in the case of the barber shop was a pretty fair ruling, actually. In terms of this situation the airline could probably just add a step during ticket purchase where people whose religion demanded it could seated (in advance!) next to someone of the same gender. Like vegetarian

Also, if your religion prohibits you from interacting with literally half the people on the planet, your religion probably sucks.

I'd like to see the most flaming gay male attendants on your airline please, natch.

I just don’t understand why, if these guys really can’t sit next to women, they don’t just start their own all-male airline other than the fact that I’ve already copyrighted that idea and am halfway done designing the Stewards uniforms.